Just Waiting

The latest wild delicacy around our apartment is purslane (Portulaca Oleracea). The taste is hard to describe, but it’s mild. The only problem is that something gets on it and turns the leaves purple and shriveled. I’m going to guess it’s the “weed spray” the lawn care contractor uses. At any rate, it grows close to the door and all around the complex.

I mentioned previously that I was working through my archive of posts here and collecting the teaching posts into monthly bundles and turning them into big HTML files. So far I’ve gotten back as far as September last year. They look okay from my cellphone, so I think you can read them using any device. At any rate, they are collected on my FTP server in a “blog” folder. I can’t save the ones with the photos, but I have all those photos still backed up.

My, what nostalgia it provokes seeing those pictures. I pulled up a couple and changed my header images on both blogs. I can’t wait to get back out on the road. The voices of a thousand creatures call to me, and inspiring views are just waiting for my camera.

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0 Responses to Just Waiting

  1. Jeanette Porell says:

    I am using large amounts of purslane in our smoothies. The hot sun here turns our leaves a little purplish at times.

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