Just a Little Closer

(This is the prophetic portion of today’s message. The instructional background is on the other blog.)

Standard caveat: Never treat my prophetic messages on par with divine revelation. It’s nothing more than my attempt to share something beyond words that I experience as divine moral reality. I am wholly likely to fail at any given point; God uses whomever is available. I’ve made myself available, and if you can do a better job, what the heck are you waiting for? Meanwhile, I cannot be silent.

You can’t see this with your rational senses, but another increment of wrath has been set loose on the world. In fact, the normal sources for news can’t cover this because they don’t have a heart sense about the moral truth of things. What it means is that the next echelon of demonic power is on the march.

Whatever bad stuff you can recall has happened in the past few weeks will get worse. What demons do is deceive people who have rejected revelation. The level of deception gets uglier; the resulting choices people make will get uglier. It makes not a dime’s worth of difference whether any of the actors are conscious of their moral evil, because the deception envelopes all things like a fog.

We expected this, so why am I telling you about it?

Do you recall in Acts how many times Paul was warned about going to Jerusalem? Yet he went because of a divine moral necessity. The idea is not that I’m trying to stop anything, or get you folks to organize and stop things, but that God has always offered some element of informed consent. It’s His nature to reveal, not hide things. He always gives us just a little more than we can handle, though we might imagine ourselves wishing for more detailed data. Rather, He always gives us full moral content — that heart-mind awareness beyond words — so that we can approach things in mature faith.

I’m fully confident this not The Apocalypse, but John’s visions do foretell how tribulation works when it comes. So this thing we see before is apocalyptic in nature; it follows a revealed progression. It comes in waves with short pauses between them. It hardly matters whether the folks who believe they make the decisions are trying to make us miserable; they still don’t have a clue what’s really going on here. Their wish to harm is still shaped by demonic deception.

And that deception is about to get nastier. Don’t stop what you are doing, just be aware that the fire is getting hotter. You won’t get burned, not really. The Devil cannot touch those who cling to heart-led faith. He is bound by the same moral laws that govern everything in Creation. His reach toward you is shortened by your obedient intent. But it’s almost guaranteed that some things you were counting on will fail, because we can’t possibly understand it well enough to pass through this with no surprises.

So my point here is that my prophetic senses touching the moral realm tell me that today stuff shifted into a higher gear of moral wrath. Brace yourself. The crazy shit is going to get a little closer than before.

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0 Responses to Just a Little Closer

  1. Pingback: Kiln blog: Just a Little Closer | Do What's Right

  2. Katelyn says:

    There are definitely some ugly things going on in the world right now, and will continue to go on. But there is an awakening happening in God’s people. Mass salvations and people’s life’s being transformed by the power of God. There is a generation rising up that is on fire for God and bringing his word to the world.

  3. Pingback: Wordless Truth | Do What's Right