Turn in the Path

Alright, parish; let me tell you what’s going on in my soul right now.

Let’s restate some things. Reality has shifted over the past few weeks by increments. As Sister Christine puts it, most days we wake up in a different reality than the one in which we went to bed. This is not shocking in itself, because I keep telling everyone that reality is fungible and God can change things radically without us even knowing it. The difference is that He is allowing some of us heart-led folks to sense it directly.

The folks around us who lack that faculty range between being oblivious and confused without a clue what is happening. Most of them can’t connect their personal experience with something bigger. Yet everywhere I look, folks are starting to act crazy, whether they know it or not. It’s crazy from both mental logic and from heart logic.

You can probably guess that the demons have been given a fresh mission to confuse and deceive. But instead of heading to some kind of physical apocalypse, it’s going to be something else entirely. We will still have wars and a whole range of unusual natural events, but what really matters here is that folks will just go completely bonkers, as in bizarre behavior. And most of them will have no idea why they are acting that way because it’s not discerned intellectually.

Our mission remains walking heart-led and teaching it any way we can. People have to see the glory of God’s favor in our lives. People have to see us operating on heart logic, and at every opportunity, we need to tell them what is different. We have to explain our sense of peace and aplomb in the face of global madness.

And bizarre global madness is the primary symptom of the coming tribulation.

So we are not surprised that traffic on this blog is down lately. Some portion of our traffic has always been folks who are not heart-led. A reduction in traffic is not a problem, just a signal. It’s part of the larger movement of God in shaking His body, seeing who is really part of it and who is just hanging around. We are about to enter a more difficult time for religion.

Here in the US, the problem is unlikely to be government oppression of religion, but the oppression from organized religion. As always, the biggest threat to this blog is mainstream Christianity. And from among mainstream Christians, the most activist bunch of all is the pro-Zionist church lobby.

Here’s what they hope to see: They want modern Israel to reclaim substantially all the land she held at the Conquest Period at least, and many want to see the vastly expanded Greater Israel held under David’s reign. They also expect to see the Temple rebuilt on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, and the ritual worship restored with all the priests and burnt offerings.

Then they expect to see all that End Times stuff that forms the primary mythology of the Left Behind series.

But it won’t happen. I wouldn’t be surprised if Israel gets those things, but it won’t make any difference. The bulk of Israeli citizens won’t return to the strict observance of the Talmud, much less the actual Law of Moses. Instead, it will be this secularized sick mythology of being God’s Chosen without having to obey God. They will imagine once again that they have God over a barrel because that’s His House and His People and He’ll be obliged to protect it.

Meanwhile, the End Times will not come. I’m not sure how this will all pan out because it really doesn’t matter. What matters is that an awful lot of very determined people do believe this shit and are on the verge of pushing like never before to make it happen. They’ve been cooking up something bizarre in their secret councils; you can smell it. Whether they announce anything or not, they are on the verge of taking action toward the goals of Zionism.

Our mission is not to oppose this in any activist sense, but to point out the obvious truth that everyone tries to ignore. There is nothing we can do to change the stampede into madness, but we can stand ready to help anyone who gets badly bruised enough to depart from it. What really matters is none of that stuff. What really matters is that the future requires folks learn to walk heart-led. God is stirring up wrath, and only those who are heart-led can understand it and how to make the most of it. We can harvest all the true blessings of God and His shalom.

You should recognize that this topic of Zionism will figure somewhat larger in future posts. There’s no way I can avoid it. This will draw unwanted attention, and if you aren’t ready for it, now is the time to step back. It may turn out to be nothing, but play it safe just in case. I don’t want anybody hurt who doesn’t feel called to face this. So maybe you should avoid commenting on my posts, or at least use a bogus email address and don’t provide a real web link.

Again: This is not any kind of crusade. They are the activists, not we. We just want to point out the path to God’s reality for anyone who feels His tap on their shoulder. I can’t tell you what that may require for you; I’m not assigning parts. For myself, it’s not about proving Zionists wrong. I’ll keep the large body of research sources I’ve collected, but the point is not persuasive writing. The point is helping you keep your head in subjection to your heart. I’ll be trying to disembowel the big monster lies that stomp and roar and stink, but actually have no power to harm.

That’s what I see right now.

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0 Responses to Turn in the Path

  1. Christine says:

    Paul asked me to comment thusly: Speaking of bizarre global madness, Truman Capote’s ashes are for sale.

  2. Jay DiNitto says:

    This post hit a little close to home, Ed. What exactly are you trying to pull here? 😉

    It’s something to note that, when you’re under such a protection, things don’t affect you on a emotional level as before. Not like I am a special case or anything, but I’m able to ignore, or at most just casually observe with some humor, lots of hellish things going on without much distress….and I can keep focus and do what I need to do.

    • Ed Hurst says:

      Few things on this earth make me smile nearly as much as when people offer that kind of testimony of faith. I’m genuinely excited to think we can share that kind of peace in the midst of distress. All the more so when we face an apocalypse of insanity.

  3. forrealone says:

    Amen to that, Jay!