More on Heart Logic

What happens when you have a vested interest in the outcome of a study or experiment? Perhaps you’ve heard that a lot published science turns out bogus. The explanation includes an awfully large burden on academic researchers to publish. Even if we remove the threat of employment sanctions, there remains a very large burden of peer pressure to make a name for yourself.

Do we not see a similar pressure in other lines of work? I can assure you I saw it in the military with the quarterly reviews by those in your chain of command. I cared, yet there were plenty of folks in the same position as I who didn’t care at all, but simply gamed the system to get the same rewards. It seemed there was a predatory instinct in leadership, a wacko reversal so that, if you really cared, you received a lot more pressure to conform to the mandatory ambition. If you didn’t really care, they left you alone and promoted you on an entirely different basis.

The question is not whether you care, but how you care.

Take a moment to reflect. We who seek the heart-led life are aware of life on multiple levels. We know that the world around us, the world that isn’t heart-led, cares about things on one level. We have to understand that materialistic level. We can’t defend against temptation to sin unless we understand what sin is, and it begins in the Garden of Eden with placing your reason on the throne of decision. So while we should understand Aristotelian logic somewhat better than most of the people we encounter, it’s only because we cannot otherwise properly handle the problems people make for themselves on just that level alone. We cannot avoid making the same mistakes on that level if we don’t understand that level.

Yet, as I’ve said many times before, when you live heart-led, you discover that Aristotle is no real challenge. Your heart already knows and can make pure logic seem elementary. Yes, heart-led means stuff like science and math tend to be easier if you need them. God handles that stuff through your heart guiding your intellect. It’s not magic; it’s the common miracles of walking in God’s calling for your life.

But because we are ruled by a higher level of heart-logic, we have little vested interest in the material existence that dominates the souls of most humans. We can afford to back off and seem truly objective as they think of it, even as we deny it’s possible for humans to be genuinely objective. That’s because the intellect is unable to be objective on its own; it needs help from a higher faculty. When we deny the importance of being objective, we can let things go and seem far more objective. We lose that vested interest only to better qualify in some ways to keep the job, or meet the systemic demands. We don’t take it seriously and can relax and find God’s power to perform for His glory, even if that means walking away from something everyone else is dying to obtain.

So you can go and get any job you feel called to do, and not find your soul running through a meat grinder. You are objective enough to see what is necessary and know whether you can participate on whatever terms it takes, because your sole objective is the glory of God. Whether it means acclaim or a glorious failure, it is His divine moral character that we show to the world, and it is winsome even when folks don’t understand what they are seeing. We know what they are looking for, but we also know what they actually need.

Feel free to infiltrate any human system to which your heart calls you. It’s your mission field. You will bring Him glory regardless how it turns out, just keep your heart-mind ascendant and don’t get bogged down in mere human cares.

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0 Responses to More on Heart Logic

  1. Pingback: Kiln blog: More on Heart Logic | Do What's Right

  2. Christine says:

    Well that’s a timely post for me as I found myself sounding off in a comment section somewhere and attracted a whole pile of attention in a ‘neighbourhood’ I keep thinking I should get out of. But it is, as you say, my mission field.

    I like this, too: “Yes, heart-led means stuff like science and math tend to be easier if you need them. God handles that stuff through your heart guiding your intellect. It’s not magic; it’s the common miracles of walking in God’s calling for your life.” What I need to learn IS easier when my heart is in charge; I need to speak those other languages in order to get my message across. And no, its not magic, just your garden variety miracles. Ha! Isn’t it wonderful to understand that miracles are ‘normal’ when we’re heart-led.