Different Oven, Same Poisonous Bread

Beware the leaven of the neocons (Matthew 16:5-12).

If there is any discernible human agency that concretely manifests The Cult: It’s the neocons in the US. You can learn the philosophical background by researching Leo Strauss. You’ll notice right away it’s secular, yet aims for the quasi-religious goal of Zionism. I note in passing that Strauss’s theory about reading history is a perversion of what Jesus said about parables. In his thinking, the greatest historians were hiding their editorial assessments in plain sight using literary masking. It requires an equally perverted mind to grasp that secret stuff and keep the riffraff from seeing how they are manipulated. Strauss applauded the manipulative herding of sheeple. Of course, it’s for their own good.

In other words, it’s not that the sheeple wouldn’t understand, but that should not be allowed to understand. With neocons, the means of distinction is the requirement of a devious mind, not at all like Jesus whose teaching required the dominance of the heart over the intellect. This neocon perversion leads to deeply perverted actions. We see a lot of it in how the CIA acts, but those actions are manifested most strongly in the Pentagon, because the military is largely under neocon control.

So we should hardly be surprised that they would like to provoke that endless nagging terrorism our troops faced in Vietnam, by keeping things stirred up in Syria. Here’s the worst part of it: The neocons aren’t talented enough to pull it off. They will most certainly make everything far worse than it is, and far worse than it has to be. But this will come back to bite them in the ass, and they won’t learn from their mistakes. It’s takes a certain level of psychopathy to be a neocon, and a primary symptom of psychopaths is learning nothing from the pain of failure.

This evil-wicked-mean-and-nasty character is just what we see in the Pharisees who confronted Jesus.

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