We’ve Got Work to Do

You need not take me seriously when I insist that reality has shifted. If your heart doesn’t verify it, don’t worry about it. You have to walk your own path. However, I need to explain where my head is so you can gauge your filters accordingly.

I’ve been contemplating this for some weeks now; for me, the shift in reality became noticeable after the collision back in April. I now believe that the huge spiritual moment for me back on the bridge over Crooked Oak Creek, just before the collision, was a moment to confirm that I was ready for whatever God wanted to do.

Some of you have been hanging around this blog long enough to remember that I had proposed a big change in our ministry last fall. For once, I requested donations directly. I wanted to host more of my ministry here at home. I got enough money to buy a respectable machine. That was before the bike wreck and the shattered knee cap. I’m still using that machine because it’s very powerful and runs demanding software quite easily. It’s not wasted, but I still use my laptop for most writing like this because the posture is much more comfortable for long periods. I can sit in my recliner and stay focused. This has become increasingly important.

Much of what I was anticipating in my heart shifted along with reality after the wreck. God is a real Person; He’s not some collection of logical principles that you can nail down with theology. His nature is complex and ineffable. It’s not like He never changes His mind. Further, He stands ready to handle each of us according to our personal moral development. When we cross certain invisible thresholds, He changes what He will do with us. Drawing closer to Him in desire and commitment changes what we see coming from His hand. And sometimes, just like any other person, He decides that a new opportunity for showing His glory has opened up and He can move things along another track.

This reality in which we live is fungible. It’s more than just a matter of “perception = reality.” I’m convinced that God has shifted things around both past and present. And it’s totally up to His whims whether everything is changed to match. It could well be that God in His divine wisdom didn’t change every single trace, so that archaeologists keep finding stuff that actually doesn’t mean anything at all. Does God play head games with humans like that? You betcha, because our heads are untrustworthy in the first place. He runs this reality according to His own moral character, and you cannot understand it with your head. If you learn how to reason from the heart, you realize none of this is scandalous. It’s just His way of demanding that we shift back into the heart-mind. Nothing can require Him to make reality rational, and I’m utterly certain reality is not supposed to be rational.

Feel free to blame me if you think I was misleading you about all those plans for how this ministry would explode. In the context of that moment, I was utterly certain of it. I wasn’t wrong when I suggested that was where things were headed; it’s just not heading that way any more. We were approaching apocalypse, but God changed His mind. I cannot shake the feeling that the change is actually toward something more glorious, and that it rests at least in part on my willingness to invest the much greater effort. Not so much more work, but more dangerous work. And some of you are sensing that shift in reality with me because you have also accepted the mission. So because I was morally ready to face the huge injury and the year-long recovery process, and you were ready for whatever extra demands God might make on you, we are on a new path. We are blessed to see and grasp the nature of this shift and not go insane the way a lot of other folks are going.

Granted, it took awhile for me to gain an awareness of it. There was the huge distraction with my broken body, and another distraction with my heart acting crazy (and no more caffeine!), plus a lot of preparatory thinking, but I eventually caught onto it. For several weeks, I was consumed with just getting to ride again and take lots of pictures, but now there’s a whole new range of stuff dawning on me.

For example, we will still tribulate. However, God has allowed things to take a different course and the tribulation will take a different shape. I no longer see a massive economic crash coming. Banking crash, yes, but I sense God has plans to keep things working so that we can ride out the shock of that. It’s not just here in the US, but a lot of people are now in place with a mind to keep things working despite a general failure of the credit banking system. There will also be some social shocks that vary widely in different places.

I now honestly have hope that America will withdraw from the empire building. That in itself will be a sea change here in the US; perhaps you can estimate how it will affect other countries where some of you live. We are unlikely to see the police state pull back any time soon. On the contrary, it’ll probably get worse in some ways. I believe the right-wing backlash will face less resistance, which will change the character of what drives it, and the character of the results.

And if it turns out I’m totally wrong, it’s about time I learned what kind of fool I am so maybe I can recover and do something else. I’m ready to face that prospect, as well. Right now, my faith has been consistent for weeks regarding how the election will turn out. As previously noted, it’s not because I like any of the candidates (five have made the news); the issue is what kind of tribulation we are facing with each one. I’m preparing myself to handle the brand of sorrow we get with one particular candidate. If that fails, all my expectations are wrong and I’ve been misleading everyone else. But my heart can do no other.

Instead of piling up canned goods and hand tools, I’m investing in cyber defenses. I still believe we’ll see some crap from the Zionists, but I can’t guess what it will be. We will see plenty of ugliness and warfare, but nothing like where we were headed before. Indeed, I’m convinced that computer networking stuff will be the main battle line, though not the only one. The stage was set when the US finally let go of controlling the Internet naming system. This opens the door to all sorts of mischief we can’t imagine. Not that the US was doing such a fine job, but the surrender of control changes how big shots think about all of it. Actually, the US still has indirect control over the most of the current physical infrastructure of the Net, because US companies still own and host most of the backbone traffic hardware. Still, because of how it changes the perception folks have, it will disrupt the status quo in a big way. I’m expecting more trouble in computer networking than almost anything else I know about.

And with that disruption comes a whole boat-load of cascading disruptions in other areas of human activity. We will tribulate; get your head ready for it. For most of us, it’s too late to consider moving to another place. I’m hoping you have obeyed your heart and sought out where God intends to plant you for the coming mission. I’m quite certain I’m where I belong. Still, the worst that happens with a sudden change in residence is having to discard stuff that I like. I keep reminding myself that it’s just stuff and God can provide everything, but it’s much easier to face the mission if you sense that what you have is only what God has provided for your mission. Before that changes, a lot of other things would have to change first, I truly believe. So for now, my heart says just hang on through the winter before giving it any thought.

I’m not worried about who’s going to win the election. There are too many follow-on events that could change everything in ways we’ve never seen before (electoral college, rioting, assassinations, etc.). My convictions have granted me a broad general expectation of where it will all end up, never mind the names and faces. Those same convictions suggest I’ll see less bloodshed near my door in favor of other kinds of social disturbance. Most of the world has no clue that God has changed His plans, and those changes have to do, in part, with a fresh new requirement for living heart-led. This whole thing rests on our willingness to spread the message of subjecting the intellect to the heart-mind. If we are faithful, then the world will have no excuse for clinging to human reason. We’ve got work to do.

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4 Responses to We’ve Got Work to Do

  1. Pingback: Kiln blog: We’ve Got Work to Do | Do What's Right

  2. Jay DiNitto says:

    I appreciate this, Ed. I’ve had similar thoughts lately I feel like I need to commit to page (screen).

  3. Linda says:

    Huh. I have been in a state of distress lately. One of those things where you feel something is not right but you have no idea in your head why you feel that way. It’s like being able to sense a storm when it’s far away and you don’t have a meteorologist with all his radar to tell you. You just feel it. And then suddenly yesterday it all went away. That feeling that is. It’s like I just came out of it or accepted whatever it was that I accepted. I’m not sure. But I do know that right now I am at ease. Whatever is coming, it’s not that I’m prepared for it; it’s just that I’m not concerned with or worried about it. Yes, His Peace He has given unto us. (:^)

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