Cycling: Miracle Hill

I’m not training for anything in particular. It’s nice to have the endurance for those epic 50-mile rides, but that’s just icing on the cake. Physical fitness is not an end in itself; it serves a much higher purpose, a purpose that will still be there when the body expires.

xtimbersToday I rode the Draper Drive loop: Out of the neighborhood, through Barnes Park, zigzagging the back streets until I got to the bike trail on Post Road. That trail ends at SE 29th, but Post Road south of there is a designated bike route. Post Road crosses both I-40 and I-240 before it merges with the eastern side of Draper Lake Drive. I just kept going along the road. Somehow I managed to pick a route again that meant a headwind on the way back, so once I hit the dam the temperature dropped a couple of degrees and the wind was no longer helping me. I stopped for lunch at the entrance to the Cross Timbers camping and motocross area on the southwest corner of the lake. That’s where this first shot called out to me.

miraclehillSo it was slow riding against the wind until I got to my favorite spot in the whole Draper Lake Recreational Area: Miracle Hill. Today I felt it was time to capture the unmowed crown of the hill, my companions in prayer. I had a question weighing on my soul and it was worthy of divine attention. Not that I can explain so easily the nature of the question, but I can offer something that indicates the nature of the answer I got.

Roughly a month ago, I predicted that this shift in reality would cause a lot of madness. Not in some apocalyptic sense of massive breakdown of society, but a certain element of madness where people without a heart-led awareness would not be able to cope. That is, however well they managed their existence previously in this Shadowlands, it was about to get much more difficult. So what I see around me is not a massive outbreak of violence, but a host of little symptoms that point to a fresh level of the typical madness that characterizes our world in the first place. If all you have is your reason trying to make sense of it, you’ll look for all the wrong kinds of explanation and you’ll remain a fool about it, stuck inside the same madness as everyone else.

And, boy, do I see that crazy stuff happening — people are doing the most inexplicable things these days. So the question was not merely on my mind, but in my soul at large. What do I need to know, Lord, to stay focused and obedient?

The last time I was up on this hill, the Lord gave me an overwhelming sense of peace that translates roughly to: fear not, Ed. I’m not going to tell you that everything will be dandy for you, but nothing about this coming time of insanity is going to really touch me. I am utterly certain you can find a place to stand, on your own Miracle Hill, where you can claim the same conviction of faith. Today that solemn divine promise was renewed.

Then the Lord gave me a handy hook for my mind to organize how it will obey that faith. Try not to the confine your thinking here, because the terminology isn’t meant to be that precise. Talking about matters of the heart-mind generally requires parables, symbolic references. Your intellect can get used to that, you know. But the madness is pegged to the Lord’s decision to disembowel globalism. I’m not saying it will just die and go away, but it will self-destruct in a certain sense. You can see it already in the way corporate news outlets are choking on their anger and hatred for everyone who isn’t sufficiently enthusiastic about the globalist agenda.

That symbolizes the general madness where God is grinding down globalism, and not merely in the political arena. The madness is because He’s going to strip away the pretense, no longer allowing the globalist mythology to appear to work very well. I’ve said often that such mystical expressions as, “He will not break off the bent reed or extinguish the smoking wick” indicates how God tends to let folly go until it burns itself out (Isaiah 42:3). And in several other places, Scripture states that God will treat the general run of humans as cattle, guiding them in ways they cannot see because they don’t live in their hearts. Sooner or later comes the time to thin the herd and sell some hamburgers. Maybe you can hear the grill sizzling; I can. In contrast to the harvest of lost souls, this is a time of slaughter.

If you see the madness as I do, then I think it’s best to remember that most of it is the death of globalism as a philosophy. It may still linger like fables in the minds of many, but the madness is their own moral blindness refusing to see what they could see. And a lot of their enemies aren’t really going to catch on, either, but they will at least find it entertaining. To the degree the general population experiences the craziness, it’s because however much they bought into the globalist lie, that part of them is breaking down.

Once I left the hill, I still had nine miles to go against the wind along the Sooner Road corridor, but the time passed quickly despite the slower riding pace. Another 30 miles, approximately, and it felt pretty good.

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0 Responses to Cycling: Miracle Hill

  1. forrealone says:

    The calmness you impart from Him is very comforting Ed, especially to those of us who still struggle in varying degrees to maintain our heart mindedness.

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