More Personal Adjustments

I’m writing this from my little netbook.

Last week I felt led to order a new hard drive for the laptop. It should arrive in the mail today. Just in time, because it looks like the tower has died.

I experienced a few difficulties with things and was about to decide it was the hard drive, but when I tried to run the onboard system diagnostics, it crashed on the CPU itself. Now, that could mean a flaw in the CPU or in the motherboard either one, but the core of the system is toast. I’m not sure what I’ll do with all the hardware, but it’s not working too well. I’ll try to drag the files off, but it’s not as if I’ve lost anything truly essential.

Meanwhile, I’m using the trusty netbook and I’ll be making plans to switch my virtual life over this and the laptop. Unless you or someone you know as a tower PC to donate, or you simply insist I have one working and you donate some cash, that project is dead for now. I’ll tinker with it a little, but I suspect it will end up in the dumpster. I’ll save the hard drive and peripherals, but that’s about it.

Not shedding any tears here; I knew that reality had shifted this past year and that the fallout would be big and unpredictable. When something is out of my control, it’s in the hands of the Father. Somehow, this seems about right. The ministry continues. Blessed be the Name of the Lord.

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