They Could, But Won’t

Judah didn’t have to face exile in Babylon. Even after all their many failures, slipping into idolatry, they could have settled into their punishment at God’s hand by serving Babylon quietly. Jeremiah said as much, but the Judean leadership kept trying to play politics with Egypt, playing her off against Babylon.

By the same token, I will tell you that the Democrats in the US can still recover and win the public over to their side. But it won’t happen, for much the same reason that Judah kept rebelling against Babylon: They refuse divine wisdom.

Listen to your heart for a moment. What happens to Christians who don’t pull their conscious awareness up into their heart-minds? This has no effect on their eternal destiny, but they will completely miss out on the heritage of faith in this life. You cannot truly walk with Christ without your heart in ascendancy in your soul. On the other hand, you can walk in your heart’s wisdom without Christ. The difference is that, in the latter case, you miss out on the direct revelation of the Holy Spirit. Thus, you can still discern what’s wise according to the moral fabric of the universe, but you won’t really know God and you won’t have that prophetic edge in your planning.

On the one hand, I’ve warned repeatedly that God is brought His wrath on the USA. I’ve gone to great lengths to explain why, but the point here is that a critical element in that path of wrath is that there will be a right-wing backlash. The right-wing instincts will serve as God’s tool, just as Babylon’s conquering lust was God’s tool against Judah. Except that America is not a covenant nation, so we don’t get any of the benefits of covenant protection. So there is a sense in which America as we know it will be destroyed, displaced by something else. It won’t matter whether Americans notice; it will be so. Wise hearts will see it clearly.

But the plan includes executing the wrath of God through the mass movement led by folks with a right-wing orientation. Let’s review just a moment what that means. The American right-wing is moved by “rule of law” or playing by the rules. It’s process-oriented. The left-wing is moved by fairness in terms of outcomes. In both cases the self-conscious orientation has been provoked to a fever pitch, so that most of the activists on both sides are more truculent and harsh than would normally be the case otherwise. People aren’t normally that stupid. So the mood of the nation in terms of the current drift of what shall dominate events is a vengeful rule-of-law.

By “rule of law” we are not referring to existing legal policy, but a broader myth of what law ought to be in a libertarian-leaning Enlightenment philosophy about liberty. Thus, the current majority-in-effect in America has been rubbed raw by legal policy that has turned a tiny minority into a privileged class. There’s nothing inherently unwise about identity politics, but there is something wrong with punishing today’s majority for the sins of their forefathers. It’s this passion for retribution that is entirely foolish. This is what has brought about the current political climate, in which the right-wing is utterly and spitefully deaf to anything the left has to say.

Had the leadership of the Democrats truly intended to rule, they would not have pandered to the whiny by creating a new predatory ruling class. The current established leadership at the DNC doesn’t give a damn about justice; they are race baiting, gender pampering, and looking for any excuse to stir up a false fury and vengeance. That’s where the plunder is. Had they attacked the real root of the problems they care about, their fortunes would have been much better at this point. The issue is winning the hearts and minds of folks without stirring up hatred. It requires backing off the absolutism of those seeking to plunder the existing social order, but suggesting policies that move the majority without implacable demands for specific outcomes.

But it takes a prophetic guidance in the heart to know that the Republicans don’t have to reform right now; they are in control because they have courted this core movement that has suffered too much at the hands of outcomes-based retribution. It wasn’t the wisdom of the Republican Party leadership, but the bulldozing of someone who refuses to play by their customary procedures. In other words, the Republicans harvest the benefit of something they really didn’t want. It remains to be seen where this unsettled context leads, but that is really not critical to what God is doing in His wrath. The bulldozer in the Oval Office is just a focal point of what God is doing, not the center of action. That action is in the field distributed across the country. The true threat to the left is the sheer power and dominance of the majority-in-effect that Democrats refuse to court.

So here is the prophetic point of this: Stop thinking and acting as if the Republicans and the President matter. They are symptoms of God’s wrath, not the substance of what He is doing. If you want to know what’s going on, get your news from the social media. Get a feel for where this mass of very unhappy rigth-wingers are going; their agenda is where God has ordained His wrath. It is not where He has set His blessings. This compares favorably with the situation in Jeremiah’s day. If you can embrace the prophetic warning, you are in a position to let your heart’s wisdom make the most of a bad situation. The right-wing movement is Babylon in ascendance. The left-wing is the slimy deception from Egypt. In due time both of them will be crushed by other forces.

It dosen’t matter if folks have leftist outcomes-based morals or right-wing process-based morals; they can’t keep listening to predatory leadership if they expect to harvest God’s promised blessings. The poltical wrangling matters not; we need a heart-led awareness to do anything that does matter.

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0 Responses to They Could, But Won’t

  1. Pingback: Kiln blog: They Could, But Won’t | Do What's Right

  2. Jay DiNitto says:

    I’m loath to say Trump is doing God’s work, because some would take it to mean he’s Moses. No, he’s more like Pharoah…probably a little more likeable, less cruel. Some folks need to realize that doing God’s work doesn’t mean he’s under God’s tallit. Trump may have the sword but he probably doesn’t have the shield