What’s Going On 07

This morning I awoke to the sense of sorrow and loss — not my own, but a general concern for the world around me. By the time I went out to pick up trash, one of the vehicles in our parking lot was being impounded. It’s a long story, but it’s an otherwise decent guy who just doesn’t want to play by the rules everyone else has to follow. He had been warned about driving around with his plates two years out of date.

A couple of people dear to me are having a very rough time right now. There’s nothing I can do but pray and remind them that I care. Meanwhile, quite a few folks not so dear are having a rough time, too, so it’s not the kind of thing that shows a pattern you could pick out. I figure it’s just part of that tribulation noise that comes in times like these.

I’m watching an invasion of trolls on some of my favorite news sites. For example, on a few tech sites I’ve spotted some truly bizarre arguments defending Microsoft’s secretive snooping on users. These are not reasoned arguments along the lines of feedback and quality control, but crazy stuff that chases all kinds of impertinent factors, offering non sequiturs and personal attacks. Do you suppose this is like some kind of barrage before the next assault?

Somewhere between a boot camp experience and too lazy to care is the right amount of effort on my fitness plans. Last week I tried too hard a couple of times and it came back to haunt me. So today I backed off just a bit when I went to the park for my “gym time” stuff. Provided the storms skip over us tomorrow, I’ll try another long ride.

We had a dry-line pass through the state today. The morning was dampish and cloudy with stiff southerly breezes. Right now the dry-line is overhead and winds are all over the place, but it’s already drier. Temperatures will plunge over the next day or so, but not so far that I can’t ride in shorts. If it stays dry I’ll try to hit some trails out at Draper with my camera.

I’ll need some time in solitude. There’s a lot of pressure on my soul lately. It’s not the kind of thing I can describe; some of you will understand that. Some of you are likely sensing the same thing. This doesn’t feel like a personal stirring. But after several days of writing up a storm to unload some issues that provoked me, today has been very light on cerebral impressions. All I know is that it still feels like a lot of sorrow is about to fall on America.

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0 Responses to What’s Going On 07

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    A few Sundays ago it was nice enough out that I went to the track for some sprints. I hadn’t done any in over a year…man alive I felt it the next day, even though I’ve been keeping up with exercise in general the whole time. “Haunting” is an apt term for stuff like that.