Happy Anniversary

A year ago today was the crash.

I went back this morning and took this shot. I ended up on the grass behind where I’m standing here. At my feet in this image was evidence that the sweeper had been there in the past couple of days. Some things never change — heh.

From there I rode on into Bricktown. The route took me past the lower dam on the Oklahoma River at Eastern Avenue. We’ve had a good bit of rain lately, so the flow was decent. As always, a good flow means silt and brown water. I managed to spook the white cranes hanging out just below the end-around flow in the foreground.

I rode on down the south bank trail to Lincoln Boulevard, then up and over to the ramp leading up to a new overpass. This is what links to the Oklahoma City Boulevard. I frequently pass under this thing because the huge parking lot runs all the way under and connects to the east end of the north bank bike trail. I cruised around Bricktown a bit but nothing new caught my eye. So I headed north to NE 4th and pedaled back home. Just enough exercise to feel like a workout.

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