Radix Fidem Booklet Finished

I’m under the impression that the booklet is too short to publish on Smashwords by itself, so I’ll probably have to stretch it out with more material. That may take awhile.

Until then, I’ve punched out the booklet in multiple formats and put it on the Kiln server. They are available upon request by email.

Word format — this one prints like a booklet (2 pages per sheet), but you’ll have to tweak the page order before you commit to paper. Word offers this option; I’ve used it in the past so do the research.

Open Document format (LibreOffice) — also set up to print like a booklet, but I’ve never used LibreOffice for that, so you are on your own.

Radix-Fidem-Booklet in PDF format — this one kept the small page size so it’s still like a booklet.

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