Transportation Update 3

Rejoice with us! This is Veloyce’s new ride. (That puddle under it was pre-existing.)

This one was the best deal — the most for the money and within our means. We got it from Boomer Kia. The salesman was honest enough and the management didn’t try to play silly games. I don’t mind giving them a plug for doing the right thing.

Now pray with us because it left us with very little reserves to make it through the coming month. This was the only way we could get anything at all worth having. We have faith and will just eat canned food or whatever, but feel free to donate after the fact.

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0 Responses to Transportation Update 3

  1. forrealone says:

    Hallelujah and Praise the Lord! Wonderful news!

  2. Jay DiNitto says:

    Good show!

    Hopefully you didn’t kick the tires. God would have forbidden entry back into the Promised Apartment.


  3. Iain says:

    Vdub, All right I’m happy for you both.