There’s More We Can Do

We don’t want Radix Fidem to become popular, but we do want it to spread so more people can share in the blessing. Nobody has to tell us that this will never be mainstream; Jesus warned that it could never be. Still, we cannot just keep it to ourselves.

There is no single model, no master plan of how to go about this. And God forbid it should depend on how I do things. I’m disposable; the truth is not. Somehow we have to establish in the minds of our world a limited claim to attention. It’s just a matter of asking them to consider our message, nothing more. If God doesn’t implant the truth in their hearts, there’s nothing more we can do.

But it should be obvious that we haven’t hit that barrier of “nothing more we can do” just yet. We haven’t gotten to the place where we have won a hearing on any terms. And while it’s not by our own power we do this, our awareness of it prepares us to hear the call of God to some fresh mission we might not have considered before.

Again: I cannot do this for you. I can make suggestions that occur to my feeble imagination, but I’m not in your shoes and I’m not the one calling you. It’s a divine call. All I’m doing is offering a structure within which we can share this thing and enrich all our lives. You don’t have to talk about the name I call it, but you do need to press forward with a couple of things.

1. This is heart-led faith. There is a body of science that backs this up, but we can’t rely on that to validate what we do. The science can only make it plausible; it opens the door in the minds of some. What really makes a difference is the power to live your faith. The dominance of the heart accesses a life and power simply unavailable any other way.

As a side note on that, we seek to redefine some terminology. You’ll have to give a moment to that now and then when you talk about it. For example, most people have a poor definition of “mysticism” — they tend to think of it as a cerebral exercise. We elevate the term to mean exercising a direct experience with God on a level above the intellect.

2. The key to getting the head on the right path to cooperate with the heart is an awareness of Biblical Law. That in itself is a term used to indicate the broader context of various Law Covenants in the Bible. Our emphasis is on Noah’s Law, though we don’t wholly agree with everyone else’s definition of it. Our point is what Law really means in mysticism, never mind what it means in Western culture. It’s inherently personal; it’s the character of our God as a Person, not some sterile dead impersonal edict.

These two points are the mini-covenant; they are what’s behind the extended Radix Fidem statement of covenant. What I’m hoping to do is set you free from any notion that you are bound by our written covenant, unless you choose to bind yourself. If it doesn’t call your name, you can’t commit to it. But the actual core of what we do is those two points above. They are the character of our contention that everyone else is doing it wrong.

And again, we don’t say they do it wrong in an accusatory tone. We say it gently and softly when it’s painfully obvious that things aren’t working under whatever guidelines they have been using in the past. Truly, if someone isn’t feeling the pain of failure, they aren’t likely to look for a better answer.

Finally, this is not about getting folks to read Bro. Ed’s books and blog. This is about Bro. Ed blabbering enough that you catch on in your own way and you can stop investing so much time in all the reading. If you like my blabber and want to share your own, great! Jump right in; it gets lonely making all this noise and hearing back so little. But the most important thing you can do for me personally is show me how you have become your own source tapping into God. My writing should be a convenience, not holy writ.

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0 Responses to There’s More We Can Do

  1. Iain says:

    And here I’m thinking if I comment too much you’ll get aggravated with me so I hold back on the blather. To tell you what Radix Fidem means to me, behold my testimony.
    For a long time, I was dissatisfied with the void between the cerebral theology of the church and my own convictions. The various formulae for successful living (mind boxes) failed me and I could find no lasting peace. It is the nature Western Christianity to keep the flock needy and dependent by keeping them locked in these mind boxes. They are never weaned from mothers milk and are dependent on their leaders for sustenance.I don’t believe it’s a conspiracy, it’s the inevitable result of their denial of anything higher than the intellect.
    It left me empty and I had escape the guilt cycle because I knew in my heart there was much more, I went back to the OT, studying it through the light of the Gospel and stripping away the non-Hebrew Hellenistic influences. I called it my Jesus Filter. In the midst of my searching I found this blog so, Ed you may have saved me years by already having walked the road. That’s more than a convenience, that’s a blessing.

    • Ed Hurst says:

      Good testimony, Iain. About the most annoying thing would be cloying echo-chamber noise. Genuine support is nice, but the best thing of all is a testimony of how this works for someone who is different from me.