They Can See It

We often point out the contrast between what the world values against what our faith values.

It’s a huge difference. We view reality from the heart, and what really matters to us is simply not visible to anyone relying on their senses and logic. Yet despite the vast difference, the world can see at least some of what we cling to; there is some overlap.

The world can grasp our sense of bliss in those moments when the Lord provides some promised blessing. Folks around us can understand that there are some things worth dying for, even if they reject our different choices. On at least some theoretical level, they can understand our rejection of politics. They can get our refusal of the activist way of addressing human needs.

Most of all, the world can understand a commitment in faith. They know what it means instinctively. They can grasp that we are driven by a conviction that makes it possible for us to push through impossible odds. They might struggle to understand how we can be at peace with what appears to be failure, but they aren’t so foreign to the idea that peace can be found in trying to do the right thing, regardless of outcomes.

This is what’s behind Deuteronomy 30:11-14 and the quote in Romans 10:6-10. We are designed to understand faith even when our minds are closed to our hearts. There really is no excuse when we stand before God in that final Day of Judgment.

Understand that they may reject our message, but any claim that they just don’t get it is false. This is why our testimony of visible faith works; it is sufficient as God’s plan for revealing Himself. He is just in all His ways.

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0 Responses to They Can See It

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    “Yet despite the vast difference, the world can see at least some of what we cling to; there is some overlap.”

    Thank God for this provision, because it means we can get along with others reasonably well a lot of the times. I can’t imagine what it would be like otherwise, but then again, it would be normal for us. 🙂

    • Ed Hurst says:

      A critical element in your sense of calling is knowing where God wants you to draw the boundaries to make you different.