Prayer Request: Damsel in Distress

Her name is Johnna (jaw’-nuh). She is the daughter of someone who has supported my ministry for more than a decade, including taking us into her home for a time when we had no where else to go. Johnna is in her 20s and having health issues uncommon for her age. She suffers from some sort of spinal disc degeneration that makes one leg numb and treatment has not yet been determined. She also appears to have something in her brain that afflicts the optic center, because her vision goes black for a few moments two-three times daily. She is getting care, but this is not easy stuff to live with.

Pray with me as you feel led on her behalf.

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0 Responses to Prayer Request: Damsel in Distress

  1. forrealone says:

    She will definitely be in my prayers. Please keep us apprised of her situation as you are informed and if you can.

  2. Jay DiNitto says:

    Will pray.

  3. Pingback: Prayer Update for Johnna | Do What's Right