Teachings of Jesus — Matthew 13:44-52

Here we have four parables in quick succession. Together they tell us that the Kingdom of Heaven is all or nothing. God discriminates between those who meet His Son at the foot of the Cross and sacrifice as He did, versus those who want things on their own terms.

The first two parables should always be taken together. Whether you stumble across the Kingdom by accident, or you are the kind who searched long and hard for it, the cost is the same: It demands everything you’ve got. That the Kingdom is worth far more than you and your life is taken for granted. If you know what a treasure it is, why would you hesitate? Eternal treasures are greater than this whole world.

But what does the Kingdom of Heaven value most? The treasury of Christ is His people. If we characterize the Kingdom as a fishing net, when its work is done and time has ended, humanity will be hauled in and judged. Those who valued the Kingdom will in turn be valuable to God. Those who failed to pay that price will be tossed into Hell, while those who sacrificed their lives for Christ will be gathered into His home.

By now the disciples are catching on. The meaning of the parables becomes obvious. So Jesus tells just one more. Given that we read so much bad news in the Gospels about scribes (lawyers), it’s refreshing to know that not all of them were legalizing fools. Jesus describes one scribe who truly understands what he read in the Scriptures as he devoted endless hours to copying the text by hand.

Such a man is like a clan chieftain who has seen a lot of events and paid attention with his heart. He knew what really mattered and God prospered his eldership. He has a store of wisdom that he can share with his household. He can evaluate morally the current events because he has a clear discerning memory of the past.

The question is whether we can recognize the treasures of the Kingdom when we find them.

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