Religion versus Faith

Again: We cannot ape the ancient Hebrew society. We can learn from their ways and their covenant how to discern God’s moral character woven into Creation. Your own personal heart-led wisdom, and your sense of mission and calling for divine glory is what determines how you should act in this world. But we build from the foundation of Christ, the living Law of God. It’s all about the Covenant.

If you feel called to it, go ahead and jump in on this fight against child trafficking. It is the defining evil of our time. But we know beyond all doubt that pedophilia is a social construct, not a fundamental sin of fallen human nature. The hysteria that makes people wretch at child sexual abuse is but one face of the idolatry of childhood that causes pedophilia. This in turn is caused by the rejection of the Fall, and the assumption that this fallen world is all there is, and that it can and should be saved. It’s the burning yearning to live forever in this fallen realm that causes the idolatry of childhood. The sexual attraction to children will fade when Western culture does.

It is our otherworldly orientation that kills the West. The West will not go away quickly or quietly. It will drag on seemingly without end, trying every way possible to infest other cultures. For us, it’s a matter of nailing it to the Cross (Galatians 2:20). You can kill the West for yourself, and only for yourself. It’s one of the worst manifestations of the cursed fallen nature. For us, it is the quintessence of why Christ died and rose again. We cannot remain Western and pretend to follow Jesus.

But the false Western brand of Christianity will be around for a very long time to come. We know this instinctively in our hearts. No one should pretend that we can engage a crusade to banish it from the earth. All we can do is distinguish our religion from that mess. But our faith roots are in Heaven, not on this earth. We need no institution to preserve our way of doing religion. Our religion is natural and grows out of a genuine calling from Heaven. If this virtual parish disappears and our teaching of Radix Fidem is forgotten, we know beyond all doubt that Our Father will keep true faith alive for His own glory.

Don’t rest on the structure; let the structure grow out of the real foundation — a genuine sense of calling and a heart-led commitment to Christ. Every time you take a moment to pray, stop and reconnect. In your soul, take a moment to reorder things once more to ensure genuine conviction is the root of your existence. Don’t get locked into your religion as an expression of faith. Be ready at any moment to discard elements of religion that don’t fit the moment. Religion is a construct, not the truth itself.

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