Of No Significance

Insofar as there is such a thing as “fate,” it’s best to view it as a person, not mere machinery. The choices you make do not simply ripple out into the future. Often the future ignores things you do and your choices don’t change anything significant.

Thus, when it’s all said and done, it won’t matter much. This world, as we know it, is slated for oblivion. Never forget: God is in control. When He’s finished with our fallen existence, we die. When He’s finished with the world’s fallen existence, He will send His Son back to restore things to their rightful condition.

Until then, the only choices that really matter are those that touch the moral sphere. It requires a moral consciousness to act with any significance. Humans have no significance in God’s Creation without referencing His divine moral character. Without the heart-led awareness, people are little more than intelligent cattle.

This is hard to swallow. It’s not as if people have no significance to us individually, but we need to grasp fully that human mortality is just a circumstance. The dream of human significance in this life rests on the fallacy that this world matters. This world is fallen and is a perversion of God’s hope for us. It won’t matter what we think is fair; we bear the Curse of the Fall from birth. By His divine mercy, He grants us an out by allowing us to reconnect to moral consciousness and to His Creation.

This myth of human significance needs to die before we can begin to see our way out of the Curse. So long as we operate from that notion, we cannot see God’s hand. Whatever we mean by the word “fate,” it is nothing more than God’s divine will. His divine will pays little heed to anyone who does not bow the knee to His revelation. Every human holds the potential for embracing His revelation, but until they do, they just aren’t important in His considerations.

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