Scattered Biking Images

This is a combination of shots taken over a period of a week or so. Our first is the ramp up to the bridge Midwest City placed alongside SE 29th; it’s finally open for use. It was finished a couple weeks ago.

These are late summer blossoms growing in tall grass out around Draper Lake. They don’t come out until September most years. The field was full of them, but the next day after this shot the whole area was mowed and baled for hay.

This is as far as the bulldozer has gotten by this morning plowing up the new bikeway path. The crews are ready to head down below the dam. It’s about a mile of trail wandering in the valley before it links to the other end. That other end should have the concrete curb/shoulder finished today or tomorrow.

I took a screenshot from Google Maps showing the area below the dam. The pale blue line is approximately the current paved trail. The lavender line is roughly where I see the stakes lined up. The gap between the two is a very deep creek bed that is at least as deep as I am tall, and looks more like 8 feet (2.5m).

This is just another shot I took yesterday from the eastern end of the River Trails. During that ride I was astonished to find no mud pits as I crossed between the River Trail and the Eagle Lake Trail. It looks like crews are dropping crushed asphalt along the previously very rough trail linking the two. This is preparatory for eventually making it a regular bikeway trail.

This last is a shot of the Midwest City bikeway running along the decommissioned rail line. It’s a quick way to get back home after taking the Post Road corridor away from Draper Lake. It zigzags to the right of that building and continues on for another mile or so.

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