More Than Silly Stories

In the past year or so we’ve seen major user data leaks from Twitter, Facebook and Google. Q says that none of these leaks were accidents. All of that data was simply handed over to the Democratic Party so they can gain some kind of advantage in targeting voters for the midterm elections.

There are lots of wild and improbable theories about Christine Blasey Ford’s failed performance before the Senate. The one that seems most probable is that she scores high on the psychopathy scale. Her long years of professional training in behavioral science enhanced her performance, but the damaged psyche is simply too obvious to folks trained in the same field. An analysis of both body language and handwriting offers a consistent picture of deep deception. The Democrats wasted no time in dismissing her once Kavanaugh was confirmed. Meanwhile, there are rumblings about charging her for perjury before the Senate.

This has nothing to do with whether Justice Kavanaugh ought to be on the Supreme Court, but it does show how a president who isn’t globalist is beating the system. The public consciousness is no longer in the hands of the globalists; Trump has an army of civilian reporters telling his side of the story. Q suggests that in the coming weeks the mainstream media may be forced to turn against their globalist masters just to survive. The unity of the globalist front will collapse and will not recover. That’s not to say liberalism will be dead, but these political battles will eviscerate the globalist plot behind some liberalism. It remains to be seen whether lefties can recover and reorganize without their globalist paymasters, but it won’t matter that much prophetically.

Some Democratic activists have already promised to keep trying to claw back this victory. It’s this kind of bitter hatred that will weaken their cause. God is against them and He is stripping away the false cover of pretended moral superiority.

Here’s something to consider: God placed some folks in this fallen world who are vulnerable. The moral measure of a society is not how they strive to empower the weak, but how they protect them. We have all these popular efforts to politicize, claiming give power to those whose position is naturally weak, and that is simply poking God in the eye. It’s the wrong answer. The right answer is to offer compassion and make life worth living even while weak and powerless. Seeking worldly power is evil; accepting it when God dumps it in your lap and making the best of a cursed situation is righteous.

There is only one moral justification before God for any political and economic policy: Care for the people. I’ve written before that a proper business goal is not profit, but maximum employment and maximum provision to consumers. It’s not the people themselves, but the caring that matters.

God has promised that if we focus on His revelation and what He says matters, that if we put social stability first and foremost as the primary goal of all things, then He will grant miracles and wonders to ensure it turns out for His glory. We are obliged to trust Him for the outcomes, but His promises assure us that His glory is always in our best interest. The current tribulation — which has just gotten started — is aimed at something far wider than simply the national sins of the US. His wrath is poured out on a human frame of reference that tries to pull from His hands all things He says are His to control, and rejecting His revelation of what He wants and plans to do.

This has nothing to do with enjoying the company of your fellow humans. That depends on your personality and divine calling, but the real issue is tolerating human stupidity because God tolerates yours. Tolerate it in the same way and to the same degree He does, and act with authority against those things He says you must not tolerate. Leave success or failure in His hands and devote yourself to a moral stand that He shows you.

And we know that the majority of the world will never rise to this divine moral standard. People will continue seizing power that they don’t know how to use, and harming everyone around them, including the rest of Creation. So God grants to us a vision of the truth about these things, knowing that we will laugh, cry and wonder at what mankind does. Then He shows us His handiwork and says, “Enjoy the show!”

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0 Responses to More Than Silly Stories

  1. “the real issue is tolerating human stupidity because God tolerates yours.”

    Did anyone else wince when they read that?

  2. forrealone says:

    but the real issue is tolerating human stupidity because God tolerates yours.

    Yes, I sure did! And it slapped me in the face when I saw it. Talk about looking in the mirror. First thought I had was “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone ” Thanks Ed. I needed that slap.