AI: More of the Wrong Truth

This is Part Two of AI: The Wrong Truth.

You can’t trust AI because you can’t program human existence. We can’t just leave things where they are in this world and insulate ourselves from Western females entirely, guys. There is a redemptive ministry for both the men and women we encounter in life. This is the part you’ll never learn from the Red Pill men on the Internet.

Granted, I need to warn you about how dicey this can be, but if you take no risks, you gain no glory for the Lord. He is your reference point here. If He leads you to reach out to someone, do so. Nobody but you can know when God is going to use you to help someone.

In general, I’m always ready to open and close the same door. Over time, exposing other people to your heart-led presence will change them; that’s the power of the Holy Spirit shining in your life. You should view the status of your relationship with everyone as tentative. What’s going on today? Cultivate a sensitivity to Reality as a person who has control over your circumstances; what you control is your reactions. Reality most certainly will tell you what’s going on, but you’ll need to learn to listen. That’s the heart-led way.

And it’s a journey, so you’ll change, too.

I’m actually not as bitter as the previous post on this topic indicates. But the Bible takes the approach of first warning you sternly early in the game to prevent the kind of damage to your reputation that would destroy your witness. You’ll have to find your own style, your own persona for dealing with this fallen world. However, the issue with reputation is whether God is pleased, not what your fellow humans think of you. Fallen people are seldom aware of the wider audience of Creation, but that’s the meaning behind those Bible references to “favor with God and man.”

Thus, be on your guard until you have some experience in how God works through you. It’s fine to admire the ministry of men who are called to dig right into the mess of our fallen world, but don’t assume that is the model for everyone. There are various categories of spiritual gifts mentioned in the Bible: temperaments, callings, offices and manifestations. For each of these categories we can know what’s listed in the Bible passages that refer to them, but the lists are not necessarily closed. It’s your duty to work this out as you go along; don’t be surprised when it seems the Lord is changing your identity and mission.

So the harsh tone of that previous discussion about men dealing with women in our Western world was not aimed at women, but to put men on guard. Yes, I’ve walked through Hell on this issue, but somehow my witness remains intact (so far as I can tell). I made room for God to handle any number of things I knew I didn’t understand. I’m not happy with how things worked out in every case. I have some scars and there are places where I’ll be more reluctant to open the door than other folks I know. But the door does come open and there are women I know I can help. Whether or not those women change is not the point; it’s a matter of doing the right thing.

Be the shepherd, Brothers. Be the shepherd for those who despise you, who want to manipulate you, and for those who have no idea why they are drawn to you. Lots of women will be confused about what they should and should not offer and take. Keep your boundaries in view. Seek to know your own convictions about when and where to bend, and when something is broken. Chances are quite good that you’ll make some mistakes, but if you do nothing, you’ll always be wrong.

Shine the light you have. Let God draw those He chooses to draw. Expect all of them to test you simply because they don’t know the moral truth. Be ready to close and open the door on the same person multiple terms, and don’t fear the consequences. There will always be consequences, and God will make those into yet more opportunities to shine His glory. Know when things have reached the limits of your calling; there are times God will tell you to lock the door and move on. Don’t be greedy about all the people He brings into your domain. It’s His domain granted to you in the first place.

Addendum: Red Pill guys assume women are more fallen than men. Feminists assume men are more fallen than women. Both are wrong; both are fallen and cursed in different ways.

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0 Responses to AI: More of the Wrong Truth

  1. Pingback: AI: The Wrong Truth | Do What's Right

  2. I am so bloody tired of the assumption that women are somehow more fallen than men. The influence of fathers and brothers and male teachers is easily as formative on young women as “feminism” is. Feminism has had a pervasive influence on men’s behaviour too, warping their thinking in ways they may not be aware of. The MGTOW movement comes to mind as an example.

    So I am moved to add that men would do well to remember that women have good reason to be suspicious and test every man that comes into their sphere, having so rarely seen a genuinely heart-led man who can consistently practice what he preaches.

    Women test men to bring the best out in them. We don’t do so for our own amusement.

  3. Jay DiNitto says:

    Re: your addendum: I think the issue is that there’s been very little criticism of “women’s sins” compared to men, in a public way, that the backlash went overboard. Some of the MGTOW stuff I get because of the legal climate around American marriage, but the “demonic woman” thing is out of hand. What kind of women were these dudes hanging out previously?

    • Ed Hurst says:

      What kind of women? Good question. I ran into a few demonic types in the military and in public education, so I didn’t have much choice about spending time with them. I had to reduce a great deal of my natural clowning behavior just to survive, since both became hotbeds of SJWs with no sense of humor. I’d never go back to either job, but they are still out there in the world at large. I can see your point that there is a major imbalance in favor of feminists in our social orthodoxy right now. A lot Red Pill men have become way too bitter and sacrificed any hope of redemption.