Building Exemptions

We’ve discussed previously the image of painting the Blood of Christ on the doorposts of our lives to turn away the wrath of God falling on America. Most people don’t make the connection between that and our non-involvement in the American society. Our otherworldly, mystical approach and withdrawal from political and cultural concerns is how we prevent taking upon ourselves the blood guilt for America’s sins.

The only way to establish an identity separate from the wrath of God is to proclaim ourselves a covenant community of faith apart from the mainstream. We come together in a virtual parish in part because it allows us to disclaim any blood guilt. We use our covenant identity as a shield, as the means to claim His mercy so that He will spare (pass-over) us when He comes in judgment.

Think for a moment how He sets boundaries on the Satanic angels of wrath (AKA demons). Consider what I wrote years ago, that the Law Covenants were binding on the Devil. If we embrace any applicable covenant, and are striving to be faithful, it’s not just a matter of harvesting some blessings, but of harvesting the Blood Covering. Satan will not enter a home painted with that sacrificial offering.

But it’s not the physical observance of some code. Rather, it’s living according to your convictions; that’s the ultimate manifestation of all the Law Covenants. It makes you lawful from the heart. Your performance is no longer the issue, but the desire of your heart to please the Father causes Him to claim us as His own.

God and Satan are smart enough to detect where your heart belongs. They don’t rely on your fleshly performance, though Satan will gleefully try to convince you it matters. All it’s good for is a marker, one indicator among others. The real issue is your desire to glorify Christ that makes Him willing to claim you before the Throne in Heaven.

And a very important part of pleasing Him is the longing to be a part of His household in the Spirit Realm. We pass through this world on our divine mission seeking souls that reflect His glory in ways we can discern it. We know that kin folks support each other. So we find ways to cling together in fulfillment of His divine love. One of the manifestations of His Spirit in our spirits is that we can’t get enough of that fellowship and mystical communion. It’s seems to us like glimpses of the Father’s face.

This is part of what we hope to do here with the Radix Fidem covenant: to provide a valid basis for claiming to be one of His tribes. This is why we talk of building something that will outlive us. We seek to establish a wealth of holy habits of mind, of teaching and practices that mark us as someone He recognizes. We strive to find those things essential to fellowship and communion so we can push aside all the crap the Satan tries to offer as a substitute. We know that if God recognizes us readily enough, it is inevitable the world will, as well. And while Satan turns the world against us for that reason, there’s no way he can stop the Father using our clear identity as the means to drawing others out of the Devil’s hands.

So I don’t really care what you call it, but as long as you feel drawn to what we do here, let’s take advantage of this power to build an identity that outlives us all. I’m not going to pretend the Apostles made mistakes, but I dare to imagine we have some advantages they didn’t, alongside some weaknesses they didn’t have, either. But we have this opportunity to try again and maybe not get side-tracked so quickly as did the New Testament churches. Maybe this time the Lord won’t allow the Devil to overwhelm this gospel work in the way John prophesied in Revelation. The birth of Western Civilization buried the gospel for a long time.

Let’s build this life that will exempt us from much of God’s wrath falling on America.

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0 Responses to Building Exemptions

  1. forrealone says:

    “God and Satan are smart enough to detect where your heart belongs. They don’t rely on your fleshly performance, though Satan will gleefully try to convince you it matters” You have no idea just how relevant that statement is to me, right now. Satan most assuredly has been trying to point out my fleshly weaknesses, of which I have many. But, my heart thankfully reminds me of to Whom I belong! Thanks for that reinforcement!