Life Mission

It’s more than a dream; it’s the story of what God is doing right now.

The sun shines in my soul, regardless of the conditions outside my bedroom window. It warms me at night as I fade off into sleep. It’s the vision of building a definition of heart-led shalom so people of this age can rediscover what has been buried in the dust for almost two thousand years.

We aren’t better than anyone who came before us. This is a simple matter that God has chosen to move in our day, and we are blessed to see it. If we seize this opportunity, it will change tomorrow for a lot people. I’ll grant you it isn’t changing much for today, but our mission is to establish this thing so that others can later find something that answers to that longing call in their hearts.

This is my mission. It can be yours, since it’s hardly defined by my vision alone. Don’t ask me how I got started on this path. All I did was keep seeking until I found it, not settling for lesser answers that couldn’t bring peace. But now that I’m here, I find it’s just the bare beginning. It’s like clearing away the dust of massive buried ruins using a toothbrush. I can’t do this alone, but I’m not intimidated by the size of the task.

Does it call you, too? We have to start somewhere. We will hardly be able to finish anything this monumental, but if we don’t start, nothing will change. What needs to change is that people are granted once more the full revelation of God, the whole truth of how we are designed for better things, but we must escape this world. Our hearts are the part of us that crosses over the boundary first. Somewhere down the road, the Lord bring the rest of our selves across that invisible boundary.

This is my mission in life.

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0 Responses to Life Mission

  1. 19maude56 says:

    Yes my brother, thanks for posting this message. I, too hear the call. It is with great joy that I follow the path that the Spirit of the Living God calls me to. I’m beginning to understand Paul’s words at Philippians 3:10-16. Blessings to you!!!

  2. “what God is doing right now”.

    My mission in life is to behave better and be kinder to those around me. I do not need an external god to do that nor do I need his approval or benediction. Nonetheless the sentiments expressed in religious writings can be of great use. The Book of Psalms for instance.

    I am happy to listen to whoever is preaching peace and kindness. I am a pantheist.

  3. I do not believe that any human is an outsider and nor did the historical Jesus. He managed to turn the other cheek and invite the outcast into his inner enclave. Many problems have resulted through religion and each particular faith’s exclusivity and determination that they and only they have the “Way”.

    The teachings of any half decent religion are identical once you discount the dogma and the requirement to believe in a supernatural entity.

    I too am a pastor in a sense but an inclusive one. in my “Book” any decent human being is welcome and entrance is denied to none. In my book nobody is an outsider – we all struggle with the same issues and the same existential and physical anxieties.

    • Ed Hurst says:

      Zeno, this is not a forum for scholarly debate. You are mistaken about a great many things, missing the point on what Jesus actually said. He willingly died on the Cross because mankind is fallen and incapable of arriving at truth and God’s favor without God’s help. We are designed to know the truth, but we come into this life broken by the Curse of the Fall. The human reason is simply not up to the task. You remain an outsider until you accept the teachings of Jesus as they stand in the Bible. Your “historical Jesus” is a man-made lie.

  4. forrealone says:

    Those whose hearts are not open to and by the Lord cannot see. And only He provides the truth. Only by knowing Him can we ever hope to understand. As Jesus said, “I am the Truth, the Way and the Life”. There IS NO OTHER “way”.

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