The Rhetoric of False Diversity

We have no argument with multicultural ideals, but lots of argument with how most activists implement it.

We avoid using popular terminology and rhetoric. There is a lot of rhetorical nonsense out there, but most of us can see that, in our current context, anti-white racism is officially encouraged in a lot of settings in the US. It’s been growing for a few decades, so it’s better to get used to it than to pretend it shouldn’t exist.

Racism is a human trait. There is absolutely nothing anyone can do to remove it. Indeed, the whole range of activism against racism could be the single biggest waste of human time and resources you’ll ever see. You can reduce humans to something less than human by extreme measures, but there is nothing mankind can do to make us non-human. Humans are fallen and hatred is built in.

So is unfairness. Striving against inequality is just plain stupid. As anyone can see, the legal efforts to curb it have accomplished nothing of any value to anyone. We still have the same old hatreds and unequal treatment, but it’s simply disguised.

So right now we see, particularly on college campuses, that segregation is back. Now we see all kinds of ridiculous efforts to provide everyone except whites their own “safe space” away from others. More and more accommodations are offered with that kind of segregation. When you get outside the ivory tower atmosphere, you find most people angry at the whole idea of “safe spaces,” including non-whites. The population at large still clings to the old desegregation values. Yet this business of re-segregation into safe havens is gaining traction among folks who consider themselves social leaders.

And who knows where this goofiness will lead tomorrow? Informally, most people work things out just fine and get on with life. Crafting artificial rules about what one can say and do only serves to keep things hostile.

Our Radix Fidem covenant assumes people need to associate with others of similar culture and religious practices. This is why we don’t prescribe any particular practices. Instead, we talk in broad generalities about preferring natural settings and eschewing real estate and facilities. Obviously there are limits to that in some climates and locales. The whole idea is to keep you in touch with Creation via the natural world around you. But actual rituals and such are left to the individual groups. Whatever helps you keep your eyes on Jesus is a good thing. Worshiping with others tends to work best when everyone holds the same expectations about what that means in practice.

In our world, that means cultural segregation is virtually necessary. And, in practice, that typically means racial segregation to some degree. Nobody should force that, of course. Still, it was never really about skin color or any other feature arising from DNA. It was a matter of tradition and culture, and how those things tend to arise in response to who lives where, and it tends to be tribal. That’s because God made us that way and His Word promotes a tribal social structure.

Some day out there in the future, some of you who embrace the Radix Fidem covenant will find yourself in a community of faith based to varying degrees on that covenant. The last thing we need to do is prescribe rituals and cultural boundaries from here. How your congregation does “tribal” can vary widely in practical terms. We can say “ignore skin color,” but that may not be possible where people associate distinct cultures with it. So the admonition here is that you do what works to make religion express faith.

Follow your convictions.

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0 Responses to The Rhetoric of False Diversity

  1. Iain says:

    Yay men bro, my greatest fear is that I’ll be to old to do any of the shooting. Whilst I may be reluctant to kill animals(except when it’s a mercy) killing humans is fine by me. I might hesitate and miss Bambi, killing a “people” would help me get a good night’s rest.

  2. Sometimes, part of me misses this community .. then I read comments like the above – whether written in jest or not – and my position ‘outside the fold’ seems about right again.

    • Ed Hurst says:

      I won’t try to explain Iain’s comment beyond suggesting it is missing some context. For myself, I agree with his suggestion that God does not condemn killing humans in itself, but it depends on the context.

  3. Iain says:

    As a coping mechanism for the s#!tshow of human affairs, I use sarcasm, irony and exaggeration. Generally speaking, I’d say a dog is a better friend than a person. I shoot targets, pop cans, bottle caps etc. I get along with the local critters, it’s not unusual to be outside working on stuff and have a conversation with a doe 25 yards away. It ain’t magic, they just know that I will protect them while under my covering. I would only use lethal force in defense against a potentially lethal threat or to adjust the scope on my rifle.*
    * That last part was sarcasm, I think…

  4. Jay DiNitto says:

    As a general rule, if you need to use force to accomplish something, you’re on the wrong track. Modern American multiculturalism is basically shaming tactics funded by government (tax payer) largess. What we tend to think of as segregation was a response to integration practices, backed by law (enforcement). Segregation is the natural state of peaceful human behavior; it becomes violent only in response to violence.