The Heart-led Shift

Those of you paying attention to the curriculum posts should understand that we are trying to shake the entire foundation of Western Christianity. If people pick up on this at all, there is no way the mainstream churches can continue as they are. There is one more in the series, and then I will format it for distribution, posting a PDF to this blog and linking to other formats on our static server. Unless you can write something better, this outlines our key contention with Western Church History.

I am in no position to make anyone pay attention to this. If this has touched you in any way, it’s up to you as a servant of God to make the difference and tell others. The underlying concept of this curriculum is to enable anyone who cares to make a presentation. If someone wants to make a slide show, that would be great; that’s not my forte. But I would be perfectly willing to take this thing on the road if there were any invitations to hear more about it. I’m trying give everyone the tools to make this easier.

You’ll notice that both at the beginning and end, I emphasize this is not about growing an organization. That’s because the whole point is that organizations should be more ad hoc, as we have been teaching all along for years here. What we really want to do is give back to God’s people the full measure of divine heritage possible. This is all about the Kingdom of Heaven, not any of us. This is a prophetic move to bless everyone.

This is the time for this message. A move of the Holy Spirit is afoot and I want everyone in on it.

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2 Responses to The Heart-led Shift

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    Maybe this could start off as a Youtube video before it ever goes into live forums. I suggest this (to anyone, not Ed, necessarily) because of the lower cost associated with it. There’s a chance the video could steal the thunder from a love presentation, but not likely if peoole aren’t aware of it in the first place.

    • Ed Hurst says:

      I’m one of those teachers who manages to perform well before live audiences, but I utterly hate doing it in front of a camera. Otherwise, I would have been making videos a long time ago. Feel free to record me giving a live presentation, but I refuse to engage the camera. So if there is someone who can absorb this curriculum and perform before a camera, more power to them. The outline is meant to be flexible, so rewrite it to suit your personality and knowledge.

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