A Thought on Covenant Living

Keep mind the context here: We assume an effort to embrace the Biblical Covenant of Christ. Faith is the extension of Law Covenants, the goal of law teaching.

Ideally, a man knows that his family household is his greatest treasure. He will act accordingly, and make it clear he thinks that way. He will ensure the world knows it, too.

A woman knows that her man’s public reputation is one of her greatest treasures. She will promote him in social circles, and would rather die than be caught cutting him down.

These things are part of shalom; it’s how we show respect for God and His ways.

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One Response to A Thought on Covenant Living

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    “A woman knows that her man’s public reputation is one of her greatest treasures. She will promote him in social circles, and would rather die than be caught cutting him down.”

    A lot of people don’t realize this, that it used to be considered in many cultures that the husband’s accomplishments were also the wife’s. They shared victories nearly equally. The respect due to the husband was also due to the wife. You sometimes see it today but only in upper elite circles, I think. Us plebes don’t get to experience that social dynamic regularly.

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