America’s Moral Autism

Think about the meaning of the term “moral autism.”

autism ~ noun — very rare
1. (psychiatry) an abnormal absorption with the self; marked by communication disorders and short attention span and inability to treat others as people

I found this delicious quote that sums it up very well:

Through most of the 20th century, America led something of a charmed life, at least when compared with the disasters endured by almost every other major country. We became the richest and most powerful nation on earth, partly due to our own achievements and partly due to the mistakes of others. The public interpreted these decades of American power and prosperity as validation of our system of government and national leadership, and the technological effectiveness of our domestic propaganda machinery — our own American Pravda — has heightened this effect. Furthermore, most ordinary Americans are reasonably honest and law-abiding and project that same behavior onto others, including our media and political elites. This differs from the total cynicism found in most other countries around the world.

The point is not that the mainstream media lies about every little thing, but that the overall effect is to deceive. This isn’t just a matter of one partisan agenda over another, but a very conscious intent to keep the truth away from the average Joe American. And it really doesn’t matter what the MSM is trying to accomplish more broadly, because it is by definition evil.

Worse, it dampens Joe American’s moral awareness and makes it exceedingly difficult to awaken souls. It’s not as simple as fussing about the MSM, since lots of people pretend to know enough to do that for other reasons. This is why we say little and do much that demonstrates shalom. It’s the only way to really break through.

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