Making Noise about It

I confess openly that I’m not fully aware of everything God had in mind in this move. He put it into mine and Jay’s hearts to gain better control for the sake of freedom to express the message, but it comes at a cost. In the wider context, it’s some of the same kind of move Jesus made when He shared His Bread of Life message. He needed to pull away from the misguided popularity over His miracles so He could draw more attention to the message behind the miracles. The way things were going in His world at that time, it was a necessary step to insure the coming persecution would come for the right reasons, not for something He had no intention of doing. It cost Him the attention of the huge crowds.

Not that I was so popular, but let’s get real: The recent move from WordPress hosting to more independent hosting has actually reduced our exposure. I knew that going into it. I’ll keep posting computer technology stuff on the other blog, but the primary message of faith will be shared here.

It isn’t just political chatter to notice that things are changing in America. The conflict is quite public, though the actual causes are well hidden, and intentionally so. It’s a moral and spiritual truth that the Devil is suckering people into believing that they can raise the Tower of Babel again. We teach Biblical Law because it says so much about what government ought to be, and human governments these days have never been more wrong. The Tower of Babel represents the inherent evil of seeking to centralize human government for the entire world. The hideous secret is that America was hijacked as a critical element in working toward the latest iteration of the Tower of Babel.

There is zero possibility for taking America back from the hijackers. Any hope you have for shalom these days is seeking it on a smaller scale. We might hope for some sanity to return, but not until after we have passed through a time of great tribulation and America is broken up. And while I still insist it will not be an apocalypse, my prophetic sense tells me it will come painfully close.

The timing is the only thing God won’t show me, but the general trend of things is easily seen by anyone with a prophetic gift. The forces of the New Babel are very much in control, but it’s a control by mass deception, and deception on that scale is not so simple. Keep your eye on the central bankers, the folks who control the interest rates on various currencies. They are in the driver’s seat for New Babel, and they have lots of allies serving alongside. Some of those allies know more, and some less than the others, but the overall trend is the same. The plan is to crash the economy and blame Trump and friends so that the socialists can seize control of the country. Much depends on whether everything for their plan is in place before the next election.

However, the crashing is certain, and the intent to blame the right is painfully obvious. They will use that as the means to gaining popular momentum, but only with swing voters. The core of the right will not go along with it, and the left is determined to be brutal about it, so civil war is flatly unavoidable. Anyone to the right of Karl Marx will be labeled a terrorist.

And along with this is the certainty that Big Tech will strive hard to centralize their control over the Internet as we know it now. They intend being part of this future government. The Internet is a primary vector for the control of the population, pushing the globalist vision of reality. Frankly I expect to face some struggle to keep even this privately hosted blog open. At the same time, there is a technology race to keep the channels open by other means. Don’t be surprised if one or more alternative protocols for networking appear on the scene to provide a safe means of communication for those who refuse to go along with the Technology Lords.

The closest I come to activism is the fight for freedom to spread the gospel. If you don’t see in the New Babel a visceral hatred for moral truth from the Bible, you don’t see anything that matters. My willingness to draw blood in the name of Biblical Law is more likely to manifest in a fight to keep the lines of communication open, far more than any other kind of political battle. My sense of divine calling is not to fight for political freedoms, but the freedom of the message. Oppression in general is one thing; Satan is allowed to provoke that. But silencing the gospel is something the Devil isn’t allowed to do. I have already joined the technology battle, and I am deeply moved to draw blood over that, if necessary.

I’m not asking you to join me in that, only that you also promote the gospel in whatever way God has called you. Given the context, the focus is on living that truth, on letting folks see your shalom arising from Biblical Law. How you do that is between you and God, but my job is to make noise about it.

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