EFF Misses the Point

I’m not a huge fan of the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) because I think they often take the wrong approach, but when they are right, they are right.

In a recent article on their site, “The Key to Safety Online Is User Empowerment, Not Censorship” they address something that is much bigger than they suggest. They are right about one thing: The best, most morally appropriate answer is not restrictions, but empowerment. But they don’t go far enough with that.

Granted, I have no hope of the US Senate doing the right thing, but it serves a useful purpose to let people know what’s going on, and what’s involved so they can make their own best informed decisions. In their politicized rush to protect the children from exposure on the Net to things children can’t process very well, the Senate is likely to end up pushing for censorship. This is guaranteed to fail. The nature of the Net militates against it; it merely incites a technological whack-a-mole.

The real problem is that the system of government proposing to protect the children in this fashion is the same government that has done it’s best to wrest children from the one and only protection that offers any real hope: the family. Our whole culture is primed to interfere in parental custody in every way possible, trumpeting the rights of children against their parents. No one wants to admit that the whole purpose is to enable child trafficking in various forms. The weaker the parental control, versus the stronger control of government, guarantees the essentially corrupt nature of government can treat children as a mere resource.

It works best if we keep in mind that the government seeks to destroy the one system of government God requires in His revelation: No one should have any significant control in your daily of your life except family. Defy that system and God will eventually crush the bogus governments that transgress His design. It’s happening right now in the US.

The other thing to keep in mind is that the only protection your children have is your involvement in their lives. It means working hard to counteract an evil culture hostile to that involvement, helping your children to build a covenant feudal awareness.

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