The Prophetic Viewpoint

Take up the prophetic viewpoint. As long as there is no covenant nation in this world, all human politics is rather like God herding cattle, a herd with no clue what His goals are. God will have what He wants, but He will not reveal it to the cattle. The only way to have any hope of prophetic revelation on such things is to remove yourself from the viewpoint of the cattle.

You have to start caring about the things God has revealed in His Word, not about all the things cattle care about. When you no longer care much who rules in this world, you will understand better why this or that person rules. We must learn to care Who rules over this world. God’s appointed cowboy is Satan, but God still rules.

God’s Word makes it clear that His plans for the cattle have certain hard limits. Western mythology gives Satan a free hand, but the Bible says otherwise. There will be no Tower of Babel, but Satan is permitted to drive people to build a new one every now and then. The task for discernment is learning to recognize blueprints for the Tower of Babel. We can discern who is planning another one.

The issue to watch in the US right now is not who will win the next election. The issue is how God is going to crush the next iteration of Babel. I said it before: Trump may not win in 2020, but that isn’t even important. From our perspective here on earth as servants of the Kingdom of Heaven, it appears God is waiting to see how certain things shake out before He chooses who will win the next election. The broader result will be the same, but the business of who wins the Oval Office is a variable.

Learn not to care; learn not to invest your energies in the outcome of the next election. It will surely signal what brand of suffering and sorrow we face, but we will suffer either way. The real issue is destroying the unity behind plans to build Babel. We can’t guess how far the construction will proceed before God acts. Meanwhile, whomever puts his hand to the task of opposing Babylon will be favored by God, at least in terms of political fortunes.

If God cannot find someone willing to oppose Babylon, He will have to raise up an insider who is gloriously incompetent to make Babylon happen. Or perhaps it will be some peculiar miracle; refer to the Tower of Babel narrative on that (Genesis 11:1-9). Either way, there will be no new Tower, only a human obsession to build one.

The other thing that is prophetically certain is the coming economic collapse. There’s a million different ways to make that happen, and we are sure to see quite a few different influences at work simultaneously. For example, there must be a significant amount of so-called natural disasters. But the underlying more failure is having chosen a host of things that cannot work long term, versus obeying Biblical Law about how we should do things. God is demonstrating via economic collapse how the path taken is evil. Think about how the Ten Plagues on Egypt were an economic disaster.

Meanwhile, we are watching Israel harvest the whirlwind for continued defiance of the Covenant. This is something that bears watching with a prophetic eye. We are approaching the point when the latest attempt to wave a magic wand and restore a mythical Davidic kingdom is going to fail spectacularly. There’s not a thing we can do to save the victims of Israel’s evil plans, but we can pray for mercy on the people. Still, the governments Israel wants to destroy have been raised up for a purpose, and none of them are innocent.

And the US is hardly innocent, either. It’s not a bad time to start learning either Russian or Chinese, if you feel inclined. However, English today is rather like Greek was in the Roman Empire: It’s already established everywhere and easier to use as it is. When the American empire collapses, whoever rises afterward won’t be able to bury English no matter how hard they try. But it won’t hurt to learn real English instead of the politically correct crap we see in the media today.

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