A Reminder: Evangelism

As we prepare for the next wave of tribulation, can we summarize our evangelism?

We aren’t trying to save this world. And there is nothing we can do about getting people into Heaven. Going to Heaven or not is entirely in the hands of God. The problem is not getting folks into Heaven, but making them aware that God has chosen them. Our mission is to make them aware of their divine heritage while they are here.

The heritage of the Saints is the glory of God. We participate in that glory by obeying His will. We should seek to act like His children, deeply committed to whatever pleases Him. His will is represented in revelation, typically in the form of Law Covenants. The Law Covenants point to something that is not easily put into words; it’s a personal living connection to God and His Creation. We abstract the Law Covenants as an ideal of life, and call it “Biblical Law.”

We hold that Jesus Christ was His Son, and the fullest expression of all divine revelation. He is revelation; He is Biblical Law personified. He is still alive and still among us in the form of the Holy Spirit. But He is also manifested in how Creation works, something not obvious from a human perspective. It requires a moral awareness.

We cannot in any way make people spiritually aware; that requires spiritual birth, something that rests entirely in God’s initiative. However, by living the meaning of Christ in our own bodies, we can engender in other people a moral awareness, a moral awakening. We don’t need to worry about whether they are spiritually aware, only that they are morally aware.

Thus, we can raise the standard of heart-led moral awareness as a demand, a requirement of Biblical Law for this life. If necessary, we can talk about various frames of reference to help people get there. We talk about Creation (AKA, reality) as a living being, the sentient awareness of the natural world, how it speaks back to us in our hearts, etc. We raise this as a challenge to the false epistemology of the world around us.

But more than anything else, we must demonstrate all of this. We must live Biblical Law so vividly that we harvest the blessings of following Christ. The primary manifestation is a sense of peace with God, and thus, peace with reality. We do what’s right because it is right, not because it seems to accomplish anything in human terms. We know in our hearts that it accomplishes things in Heaven, regardless whether those moral accomplishments manifest anything discernible in this world. We demonstrate a mystical, otherworldly focus.

We belong to another realm, one that mere flesh cannot see. It requires a higher awareness, something above human intellect. We are so heavenly minded that we may well be little earthly good, at least as fallen humans measure such things. We insist that a worldly orientation misses everything that matters. At the same time, we really do understand what works in very practical terms, but we aren’t confined by fleshly goals in evaluating what it means for things to work.

We haven’t arrived; we are on the way. We have found God’s path back to Eden, and it means the Flaming Sword of rejecting the leadership of the fleshly nature. Instead, we follow that heavenly voice speaking in our hearts. It has to make heart-sense, even if it makes no head-sense.

This is our message.

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