Introducing the Moses’ Law Series

The next series of weekly Bible studies will be the Covenant Law of Israel. This is in keeping with 2 Timothy 2:15, in which their Scriptures was then only the Old Testament. We are to study the Law to discern the heart of God.

In this post, we review the frame of reference for thinking about Biblical Law. At the root, divine revelation is what God wants us to know about Him and His Creation. This revelation is written in Creation itself, but in the Fall, we lost our ability to sense that revelation directly. Our fleshly minds have rebelled and usurped the throne in our souls reserved for God. Divine revelation doesn’t restore that direct sense of truth, but it does lead us on a path that brings us back to that truth.

This Biblical Law works on multiple levels. At the lowest level, the Law Covenants in the Bible tell us how Creation works. If the best a person can do is grasp the meaning of the provisions of Law, then they will be far better off than those who ignore revelation. It’s not a good frame of reference, but is less dire, and merely the first step on the path to truth.

At some point, we should hope folks will recognize that Law is actually a covenant. They will begin to understand the significance of a way of life that seeks the favor of the Lord and Covenant Holder. This opens the door to the awakening of heart-led consciousness. It allows the rise of awareness of just how different the covenant approach to life is. This includes the awareness that everything is personal, that Biblical Law is fundamentally feudal and tribal. People begin to absorb the truth organically and it becomes a part of their sense of identity.

At a higher level, the Law begins to speak of God’s divine moral character. This is when revelation becomes truly personal. This is when we realize that Jesus is the revelation, He is the Law personified. It’s the point when words and knowledge can no longer carry us along; we become spiritual beings with roots in another realm of existence. We then decide that the fleshly nature must die, and willingly seek its demise at the hand of obedience to God. We seize that Flaming Sword and turn it upon our selves; we become the Law of God in our selves.

This is how we will approach the Covenant of Israel. We will seek to examine the context of the provisions of the Law to ensure we understand what it meant for the people of Israel. Then we will strive to dig deeper and try to understand what it could and should have meant to them, driving them into the arms of their God.

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2 Responses to Introducing the Moses’ Law Series

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    I approve of this idea. 🙂

  2. Forrealone says:

    Excellent! A deeper understanding of His Divine Principles will help greatly, Ed

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