Can’t Make This Short

When I served in the US Army Military Police, I quickly became aware that there were a select few who were protected by system, while most of the rest of us were expendable. While that protection rested mostly on commissioned officers, some were enlisted. Here’s the way I spotted them: It was my job to help file reports, some of which never saw the light of day. When the questionable or criminal acts were committed by this select few, the cases were diverted, buried, etc. The same acts committed by others were always processed in the main channel, and rank was not really much of a factor.

Some of the best people who made human mistakes were nailed to the wall with no mercy. Some of the nastiest creatures to ever wear a uniform got away with unspeakable evil.

Given how my experiences in the US Army allowed me to peek into other US government agencies, I can say with full conviction that this is simply a feature of the government across all agencies. Some are bound to be worse than others, simply based on what kind of activities those agencies handle. The more secrecy channels involved, the greater the likelihood of evil. What better way to protect evil from prying eyes than to declare it a national security matter? The majority of government secrecy labels are used to hide crimes; very little of what is covered by secrecy codes is actually a matter of national security.

I had two close Christian brothers involved in the highest levels of security access. One was pretty nutty and unstable, barely functional, but had been in the system too long to be expendable. The other was pretty wise, and couldn’t wait to get out of it. He warned me to avoid learning any secrets I didn’t really have to know, and flatly said most of what he knew turned his stomach. Consider that, for both of these men, their basic job was nothing more than NATO war planning for Europe. It gets worse when dealing with espionage.

The most shocking revelation for me was the high incidence of gross moral perversion among folks with the highest clearances. The only reason I knew those two men was because they struggled to know God and His Word, and I was at that time a rather popular Bible teacher in the community. One man I didn’t know so well was found dead in his home, and the circumstances indicated he had been involved in gross sexual perversion. What was publicly reported as suicide was just an accident connected to his particular perversion, a scandal kept under wraps because of his unique position in the intel office.

On the one hand, you would never imagine this man being involved in such things if you knew him socially. On the other hand, my growing awareness of the horrors of government secrecy found me quick to believe what I was allowed to know about the case. The burden of knowing and keeping government secrets is hard to imagine. It opens the soul to demonic influences; most people do not handle it well. Most struggle to keep a balance between the necessary compartmentalization of their souls, but a good many simply surrender wholly to the evil. The result is that InfoSec (information security) and Intel agencies are shot through with unspeakable immorality as a sort of outlet for the insanity it provokes in people.

I’m no better than my friends were with their high security clearances, just very fortunate that God never allowed me to see things He wouldn’t carry me through. Somehow I stayed on His leash. But I knew my divine calling included being aware of that stuff on some level, and His mercy has carried me through it all. It informs how I do computer security.

One of the things I’ve learned is that talking about this stuff is one kind of risk; linking to the material produced by others talking about this stuff is another kind risk. I can’t avoid the first, but I tend to avoid the latter when I can. I’m not going to link to anything in this post, but I will leave it to you to research the topic using your favorite search engines. I’m going to give you clues, and you can figure it out for yourself whether I’m telling the truth.

Do you recall that crazy thing with Satanic Cults and children being kidnapped in the late 1980s and early 1990s? The media story that started it all was the McMartin Preschool trial. There was a lot of hysteria and it showed up in intel that was passed to us through Military Police channels in those days. I was exposed to it because I was training for the DARE Program at the same time, so I was expected to become something of an expert on crimes involving children, since I was working with children in school four days per week. I was supposed to be watching for evidence any of those children might be victims.

But I was also exposed to it through Christian channels. There was a huge program involving famous evangelical figures who were going around the US warning churches about Satanism and child abuse. So I had a lot of information coming in from two sides, and we had a lot of that being discussed in our NATO chapel from both angles.

Eventually the court case died and so did the hysteria, but not before a lot of people made a whopping lot of money from it. I believe it’s safe to say the biggest money went into evangelical pockets. The whole thing was largely debunked and now references to the McMartin case make it look like nonsense and silly hysteria.

Now, within the last day or two, the FBI publicly released a fat collection of documents on the McMartin case and some related investigations. The documents indicate that the McMartin preschool really did have a tunnel under the foundation, and that the FBI had lied about it, saying there wasn’t one. The reason they lied is because all of this noise was tied to a particular organization known as The Finders. So far as we can tell, this was a cult connected to the CIA that nabbed little children and trained them to become sex toys for the rich and powerful. This group was a cult that engaged in peculiar rituals with Satanic imagery.

Sound familiar? Whether it’s actually Satanic or just mocking up as Satanic to keep folks confused, this theme keeps popping up in clinical literature of people who have been diagnosed with serious PTSD, with stories of being abused and programmed with multiple personalities. I’ve met such people; that crap is real. There is a lot of fake Satanism (like Anton LaVey and friends) that is just a symbol of rejecting mainstream mores, but the real deal does exist and isn’t hard to discern if you give it some prayer and contemplation. It’s intensely secular humanist at the core, but more militant in seeking to destroy faith, making faith seem aberrant.

This is all part of the Globalist movement. I find it difficult to pin down the point at which the elite plutocrats divided into two camps — Globalist versus Zionist — and I suspect it’s better to view it as an ongoing rivalry. Yet the two sides remain somewhat cooperative in various ways. It’s pretty murky, because you can find Zionists who are distinctly not part of the Christian right. Zionists have their own problems with gross immorality behind the scenes, but from what I can tell, the Globalists have pulled ahead in such things. Thus, the CIA’s “The Finders” cult was a reflection of the Globalist agenda. And while this cult seems to have dissolved after the death of their leader, Marion Pettie, the activity continues.

The difficulty here is that some measure of what is reported popularly is still hysterical fluff. The Pizzagate thing was partly true; it has a foundation in reality, but most of the noise was the result of manipulation and propaganda to bury the truth under fluff. That’s the same with the Satanic kidnapping paranoia in the decade starting in 1987. Indeed, mainstream churches did a lot to make it all so preposterous to keep the truth hidden. I will allege that some of the big name evangelical leaders who supported this noise were paid for it. They were paid to blow it out of proportion to hide the reality. This is a primary tactic being used every day on us.

This is the kind of deception Satan uses to keep people under captivity. So feel free to research this; report what you find, if you feel led. But follow your convictions, not your human wisdom. Satan’s single greatest power is getting us to stop listening to our convictions. That’s what the Temptation in the Garden narrative is all about.

As a side note, the only reason we might consider bothering with this is that so-called Child Protective Services agencies are a funnel for this kind of thing, both at the federal level and in most states. Our children and grandchildren are at risk of this. Consider how the Lord will lead you to protect those under your covenant dominion.

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2 Responses to Can’t Make This Short

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    The “funny” thing is, if you remove the circus-like supernatural narrative from the McMartin stuff, as well as some other incidents, maybe, it actually is pretty Satanic to begin with. The supernatural stuff served to help secular-minded folks dismiss it altogether as religious indignation. I forget what fallacy this is invoking (maybe poisoning the well), but it works very well on media events.

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