Re: Trump’s EO on Antisemitism

This was a dumb move. Not only will it not accomplish the stated or presumed objective, but will only exacerbate the situation. In essence, it declares Jewish identity as a nationality, which immediately points out that if they are Jews, they cannot be Americans or any other nationality. It simply serves to highlight that they are one of many identity groups that reject assimilation, and it means they will remain a threat to the nationalist fervor utterly necessary for any nation to survive.

Christ warned that humans cannot serve two masters. We are hard-wired for feudalism, and we can only commit to the demands of one identity at a time. And clinging to one identity means rejecting any other.

Just about everyone will seek first the advantages of their own identity group. In a recent speech, Sacha Baron Cohen whined about people seeing Jews as threats. Granted, there are plenty of Gentiles who think that way, and the tension is growing, in part because Jews keep trumpeting their advantages, making themselves a target. However, it’s a pointless and false view. The threat is not Jewish people, but Judaism. Judaism as a whole is the Synagogue of Satan, and clinging to that confirms that one willingly serves the Devil’s delusions. It’s a peculiar problem we face in following Christ.

Yes, Jews are going to Hell, but so is most of Gentile humanity going to Hell. That’s a given, the default human destiny. But worse is that an even greater proportion of the human race will never discover the blessings of divine heritage while living in this fallen world. The path of Biblical Law is lost to a great many Heaven-bound folks. We can thank the rise of Western Civilization for a lot of that, but Western epistemology is not the biggest problem. It’s not a clear cut issue that keeps people locked out of genuine faith, but does hinder faith. We do require a firm devotion to Christ to begin moving through that swamp, but a surprising number of people have made some measure of progress despite the serious flaws in Western Christian mythology.

Judaism is responsible for a significant portion of how Western Civilization turned out. Many Jews are quite proud of that. It was made possible by the Judaizing influence that crippled genuine heart-led faith in the early churches. It was a conscious aim of the Judaizers to destroy such faith, to pervert the body of ancient mystical teaching that Christ had resurrected in this world, to bog down Christian teaching in worldly concerns. The Judaizers consciously set out to destroy that teaching, for they neither wanted it for themselves, nor would they allow anyone else to have it. Their history is one sad tale of increasingly hostility to their original mission of spreading divine revelation. But they did conjure up a very perverted version of mysticism for themselves in the Kabbalah. If you examine the history of Talmudic development, you’ll see that the Kabbalah is a critical part of Jewish orthodoxy. They secretly worship using the name “Satan” as their god.

The reason we don’t consider Jews a threat is that most of them aren’t very orthodox. They still suffer the delusion that they are God’s Chosen, when Christ on the Cross proved otherwise. But to our best understanding, the majority of Jewish people aren’t very religious; their sense of superiority is not entirely conscious, but closely resembles the standard human moral delusions. It’s just a relatively small core group of Judaism’s elite that steer the majority, especially in keeping alive that sense of superiority. While they despise their fellow Jews for failing to embrace the elite religious dogma, they hate the rest of humanity far more. To paraphrase a famous quote, the whole of Gentile humanity is not worth a Jewish fingernail, even if said Jew is a secularist.

No, the mass of Jews are not a threat, just a peculiar problem we face among all the other problems we have with a world that rejects God’s revelation. The Jewish identity is the source of this peculiar problem we face. Judaism is Talmudism, and the Talmud arose as Satan’s claim over a sturdy sense of national identity that had already rejected God’s revelation and His divine call. That Zionism is inherently secular never prevented any Dispensationalist Christian from correctly associating the political dream of a Jewish nation in the land of ancient Israel with the biblical narrative. The problem is that Dispensationalists have a badly perverted understanding of what the Bible says about the Covenant of Moses. They don’t understand what the Lord they claim actually had to say about the provisions of that ancient covenant.

It isn’t that God hates Jews, but that Jews hate Him. Judaism is a particularly Satanic lie. Attempts to distinguish the Jewish identity in law is putting one’s hand to Satan’s plow. Like every other temptation of the Devil, this one will not work out well in the long run.

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