Current News Review 14

This time, at least, this series feature will appear on this blog.

Are you watching the conflict between Syria and Turkey? Here’s what I see. For unknown reasons, God is raising up Turkey. She can’t have everything she wants, but she will be a power no one can ignore. If Syria wants to clean up the mess the Western countries have caused by provoking civil war, she will have to stay snuggled up close to Russia. But more importantly, the Syrian government must win the full support of the people, whatever that means (which is wholly unlikely anything resembling the claims of “democracy” by Western propaganda). If the Syrian people do not rise up to push Turkish forces back across the border, then the Syrian people deserve to live under Turkish rule. And Syria needs to present an ultimatum to the feckless Kurds: Support the government or be slaughtered/driven out. The Kurds are a serious threat to any country that hosts them. Giving them a token “Kurdistan” would be a huge mistake.

What happened with the Iowa Democratic caucuses? First, you have to understand how those caucus meetings work. The main point is the 15% threshold. During the recent Democratic caucuses in Iowa, the party leadership did some rigging to ensure Bernie Sanders didn’t win. The primary trick was to send in extra caucus members who showed up pre-organized and committed to foiling a Sanders win. They didn’t vote for any particular candidate, but tried rig the outcome so as many candidates as possible got 15%, thus depriving Sanders of any realignment votes. Sanders consistently received a smaller share than would have happened without the rigging.

The Democratic Party is anything but democratic. I’ve already written how I believe that party is run by globalists, and Sanders is not one of them. Rather, he’s a huge favorite of the leftward leaning part of the US population at large. As things stand, he could never win against Trump in a general election. I doubt any of the Democratic candidates could. But we have two or three who are owned by the globalists. Biden started as the anointed one, but it’s obvious he can’t hold it together, and it looks like Buttigieg has made a deal with them. If that doesn’t work (black voters and Muslims aren’t likely to support him), Bloomberg is the fallback. He’s agreeable, but too powerful; he could buck the party and no one could touch him once in office. He already has an armed “palace guard” — one like Trump should have organized on his way to the White House.

I sense that we are still some years away from a break-up of the US. However, we remain on the knife edge of financial collapse. Notice I’m not saying it will be a full economic collapse, but the high finance system will shatter. Things like the stock market will drop, venture capital could dry up, banks will close or drastically change their policies, etc. I suspect the massive bailouts we saw previously will not be possible the next time. Look for currency controls, making it much harder to rely on cash for significant business transactions. Large hordes of cash will be confiscated and we will all be forced to use bank cards or cellphone apps for even small stuff. Those things aren’t guaranteed, but highly likely if the current trends continue.

Let your convictions tell you what to do with this information.

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4 Responses to Current News Review 14

  1. Iain says:

    Trump has everything tied to our “booming” economy. The theory that popped into my “Soviet Automobile Reliable” brain was this. If the economy slips prior to the Democrat Convention, Hillary will be nominated (rules, as we all know are endlessly malleable at the DNC), Bloomberg will pull a Perot in an attempt to split the Trump vote and Hillara will win. 1992 was the first election that I followed closely and if memory serves me right Bush the Elder had a lock on it in February. Like I said, this comes from my attention defying brain so take it with a bag of ice melt.

  2. Jay DiNitto says:

    Interesting how well Sanders is doing lately, since you wrote this, though I think that’s just his literal popularity with real liberals, not establishment ones.

    • ehurst says:

      That would be my point, Jay. Without some kind of deal-making in the background, the DNC will simply not allow Sanders to win, despite his overwhelming popularity with the lefties in the street.

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