A Call for Prayer

It’s here.

At least three decades ago I began sensing in my spirit that an apocalypse was approaching. God is a real Person, not a computer, and His Creation is also alive and personal. On some issues He waits to see how people will respond to His efforts to get their attention. Very few things in prophecy are fixed, so I knew our doom was flexible. Over the past few years, the path changed a few times, but my last impression was that we would come close to an apocalypse. That near-apocalypse has begun in earnest with the Corona virus and the broad human panic.

This is a call for prayer for each other. I’ve started a forum thread in Prayer Requests on this issue. The US is not monolithic, and the Corona virus is not going to act the same in all parts of the country. As a covenant community, we are thinly scattered over the earth, so it’s unlikely any two of us will have the same experience. I’d like for those of you who consider yourselves part of the covenant community to share those experiences in the forum so that we can pray for each other. If there is anything that can prod us to be more like family, this would be it.

My state of Oklahoma has made the first few steps toward an official state of panic. Stores are being stripped of certain kinds of supplies, in part because of a shapeless fear of quarantine, or something like that. Most people have no idea how governments implement such things, despite the guidelines having been published for years. FEMA has been offering free courses online for at least 20 years.

At any rate, let me encourage you to stop in the midst of all this madness and pull together in heart-led prayer for each other. This is family, and God answers the prayers of His people.

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