Make It Your Own

I’m not going to cite a bunch of footnotes, but long time readers will recognize some of what I reference here.

God has never promised to warn us about everything He’s doing. He did promise we could always know enough to be faithful and harvest His promises in any context. He said there would always be prophets to help His people get a grip on that awareness.

The gift of prophecy is primarily a gift to the community of faith. It’s God’s choice to use specific people for this mission. A word of prophecy can provoke faith in those who previously exercised none, but most of the time prophecy is for the ears of those who are already listening. It was never meant to be consumed privately, though sometimes it is heard only in retrospect, where the prophet points to the record of what the Lord showed him before it happened. The point is to teach people to listen in the first place, not to magnify the prophet.

The reputation of the prophet does matter, but only because the whole point is fidelity to the message from Heaven. Anyone can speak for God at any time; the burden is on the hearers to recognize the voice of God in their hearts. There are prophets called for a specific message, and there are prophets called for specific periods, and there are prophets called for life. There is also the gift of prophetic insight, not in the sense of specific messages from God, but in the sense of an ongoing stream of awareness shared with others.

I claim to have that last kind of prophetic gift. Some of the things I’ve proclaimed strike me as a very specific warning from God, but for the most part, it’s the broad pattern of how I see things in the first place. It’s not meant to glorify me, but to allow me to participate in the relentless glory He shines on all the world. A part of my message is that you shouldn’t need me to point out what God demands, but I’m glad to share what I have so that you can enter into that world of moral discernment for yourself. I’m demonstrating what He can do for you, by showing what He’s done for me. Don’t elevate me; treasure the message.

While I reject the legalistic approach Western minds take to such things, I’ve tried hard to be faithful to the message and careful to distinguish between a specific prophetic word and a more general prophetic insight. The difference is in what God wanted me to do with the message, in terms of how I should share it. It has been some 13 or 14 years since I first very specifically warned that the US government had best leave Iran alone. Any outright attack would result in outright failure, just like that episode under President Carter, when our helicopters crashed in the desert. Mine was not a new message, but just a restatement of what should have been obvious. That mess in the Iranian desert was not a fluke; the participants were under the authority of demons, an authority granted by the evil choices of their leaders. It makes no sense to me in terms of what I know as a human, but it does sound to my heart like the way God does things. I stand by that prophetic warning still.

There are some other things I wrote that were more general in nature. I knew we were headed for tribulation. I suspected it would be something political, resulting in economic disruption, but I never could see the triggering mechanism God would use. Our problem is not a virus plague, but the government’s reaction to it. I said more than once that it would be a surprise, something unexpected. Just before the start of this calendar year, I remember a firm warning that this year would be the most visible first manifestation of that tribulation. I was frankly hesitant to post that because I know what kind of fool I’ve been in the past, and how I got things so very wrong. But it was like the fire in my bones that I had to offer that message in one way or another.

So I stand in awe at how God has been faithful and merciful to my readers in prompting me to write about the work He has been doing, and warning about His wrath. And even more awesome is how those things have turned out to be accurate. Not with any sharp precision, but if you accepted my choice of words with a grain of salt, you should have been able to see that my predictions have been generally consistent with God’s current activity among us. Not to toot my own horn, but I want to point out that at least some of you could also see these things coming if you would exercise your spiritual gifts.

We are in an economic collapse, one that is limited in depth. We won’t starve, but lots of luxuries have already disappeared. There is already a good bit of rumbling about rebellion against a centrally controlled and oppressive government. I still say there will be bloodshed arising from that, but we haven’t gotten much yet — I’d love to be wrong about that. I said mainstream churches would face an exodus, but I had no idea it would be mass closures over a panic like this. This action is still unfinished, because it should have something to do with the State of Israel, which has yet to shock the world with something unconscionable. I’m utterly certain she will do that, but I have no idea what or when it will be. It could be a series of things.

I’m still certain the US will break apart, including some open warfare between states and regions, and some against the central government itself. I’m all for decentralization, but I wish it didn’t require violence. Had we some wise officials in the federal government, they would have already planned for a dissolution and would be making it happen in an orderly fashion.

I maintain that Trump missed his chance to keep the US together a little longer. It should have been his successor who would see it shatter, but now it’s more likely on his watch. I can tell you that a mass arrest of the worst criminals in government, Hollywood, etc., will not work. It would require targeted assassinations, and that includes a lot of people you’ve never heard about. It’s not about lefties and progressives, but something much deeper in the globalist idolatry. Trump had the mandate to set that purge in motion, but for whatever reason(s), failed to execute. Instead, he got off track by sucking up to Zionists. It’s the Zionism that will ruin his name. I don’t have a clear picture of how it will happen, but it’s all tied in with a premonition that Israel is very near to destroying herself through unspeakable moral folly. Zionists are exceedingly crafty, but their arrogance is off the scale.

The way I see it, we are about a quarter of the way toward something just short of an apocalypse. It won’t end civilization, as has happened a few times in the past, but it will be messy. You won’t like the future at all, so this is a good time to die. Still, God has plans to keep a few prophetic graybeards around to raise the warning for the future generations. I’m not trying to preserve my writings so much as share a legacy of wanting to hear from God, and maybe something of how we start to hear better.

I’ll be quite content if you forget about me, but if what I have to say now rings a bell in your soul, make this message your own.

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