Wherever You Are

I’m struggling to keep track of it all. With a wry smile, I suppose I must admit this is the result of praying for prophetic insight way back when I was a lot younger. Not that it was the wrong thing to ask, but that it wasn’t at all what I was expecting. I was hoping for greater clarity so that I could obey better, and that part is working fine. I have an immense sense of peace with God about most things. But it also includes a rather clear view of just how chaotic things really are outside of that shalom.

I know beyond all doubt that I am supposed to promote tourism in Oklahoma via my drive to ride bicycles around some of our beautiful natural landmarks. I’m supposed to ride and take pictures, and that means camping some, if only because I need to hang around some of those places a day or two at least. I’m supposed to write about those adventures. Not so that I can try to sell you on the idea of coming to Oklahoma, but to provoke Okies to go see their own state, to appreciate what God has made. We need to build a life that doesn’t depend on folks outside our state, but find all that God has placed within our borders for our prosperity. And maybe a few of them will experience that deep, thundering voice of God as He speaks through natural beauty.

You get to see some of that because the message to you is something more subtle: Where are the places where divine thunder can rattle hearts where you live? A critical element of God’s wrath on America is forcing decentralization. Some of you should expect a calling to promote your own state wherever you live. In other words, we should all be celebrating each other’s efforts to participate in what God is doing. This is part of how we broadcast the message that God demands human government and organization be decentralized. We need to shatter the false belief that all men everywhere are accountable to each other on the human level, as if this world can be made better by pulling together under yet another Tower of Babel.

Our only accountability to each other is in the Spirit Realm. We all must obey the divine calling on our lives; that’s in everyone’s best interest. That’s as much as we can hope to do for this world. Frantic efforts at uniformity and centralized orchestration of a human agenda is a temptation from Satan to entrap the world under his authority.

God wants us to know Biblical Law, the moral fabric of how Creation works. Anyone seeking to absorb that could have seen that sinful humans have always perverted God’s revelation. The current global economic system has always been aimed at robbing the little people, by concentrating wealth in the hands of a privileged few. Nothing new about that. But it might require a little education to see how they’ve been going about it. Turning all currencies into debt instruments was a major element in that scheme. Every American dollar out there is an IOU. Every dollar in the US is a debt owed to the bankers. If you try to stack up cash instead of actual property, then all you “own” is a debt obligation. But the implications of such a system is that every physical item of use or value is technically owned by those bankers.

They don’t want the stuff; they want the legally enforced ownership of human productivity. That requires a centralized system of credit and some mechanism of enforcement. They have long used their control of currency and economic activity to leverage enforcement from local governments. Now, they are seeking a more formal unity among governments. To get from where we were — hundreds of sovereign governments — to where they want us, building a new Tower of Babel, they had to engineer a mind-blowing conspiracy of credit and economic control. It was creaky and cranky by design; it was never meant to last forever. It was designed to break down at some point, and we have just about reached that point. The final collapse was meant to generate such fear and chaos that they could step in with a centralized regime that would bring peace on their terms.

It won’t work, of course, but that hasn’t stopped them trying. So we have to endure the coming chaos and rest in God’s hands as He sends Satan to collect on all the suckers who thought he could deliver on his lying promises.

This pandemic is a huge lie. It does not spread by the means we are being told, and its effects have been blown out of proportion. Maybe I don’t understand how it does work, but I can see clearly it’s not what TPTB say it is. Some people catch it at random, but most of it spreads by some mechanism hidden from us. (Your focus should not be on how it spreads, but how you can arm your body’s defenses against it.) It has been pretty carefully targeted to create maximum chaos and fear. It was engineered to provide the panic that covers up all this intentional collapse of the global economy. Everything people think they know is at least partially false.

Yes, massive dark evil conspiracies, indeed, but they will all fail in the end. The people who engineered all of this never counted on God’s hand working. They believed the lies of the Devil.

In the midst of the darkness, Our Lord’s light shines bright. I’ve been trying to direct attention to that shining beacon. Part of that effort has been trying to explain some of the crazy stuff I believe I can see. Just seeing some of that stuff has left a lot of scar tissue on my soul. I’ve been allowed to see some things that burned me and numbed me on a human level. I won’t miss the flesh when I’m gone, but while I’m still here, the conditioning has equipped me for a mission I’m still discovering.

I’m going to ride my bicycle out to quiet and lonely places of natural beauty, where the voice of God speaks quite loudly and brings peace to my soul. I’m going to share pictures of those places, and tell the stories of my explorations. Maybe through those things you can catch a whiff of the peace I find. Hopefully, it will provoke you folks to seek peace wherever you are.

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2 Responses to Wherever You Are

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    Only Ed can start with nature and God, shift into fiat currency, then back to nature and God. 🙂

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