Why God’s Wrath Is Falling

Christian Mysticism isn’t a collection of principles. Discussing it is a matter of offering counter-principles to false ideas; Christian Mysticism itself transcends principles, but offers some very pragmatic guidance.

So the counter-principles we have so far:

  • We are fallen creatures; we cannot trust human capabilities to come up with valid answers without divine revelation.
  • Ultimate reality is unknowable to our fallen minds. Divine revelation is ineffable to the intellect; only the heart can process it.
  • Reality is fungible — one person’s reality is as “real” as any other person’s.
  • There is no single objective reality. Even if there was, we could never know it. All we have is human experience and perception.
  • God’s revelation is not a thing, but His Person. Revelation cannot be objectified. There is no such thing as “propositional truth.” If it’s a proposition, it cannot be truth.
  • The only sensible course is to treat all of Creation, and reality itself, as a person — living, sentient and willful.
  • There cannot be peace among fallen humans, only passing truces.
  • There can be peace with God, so that’s what we seek. Gaining His peace will affect human existence.
  • God calls us to seek social stability as a component of His glory, but His terms are contrary to human reason: covenant tribal feudalism in small communities. No other form of human relations will receive His blessing.
  • Don’t be fooled; His reticence and patience should not be mistaken for His blessings.
  • We are individually accountable to God only for things that He places in our feudal dominion granted from Him. We cannot bless anyone who doesn’t come inside the boundaries of our domain. We must learn how this works on multiple levels.
  • There is no such thing as accountability to a wider society without a firm conscious commitment to a common covenant. Human law cannot substitute for a valid covenant.

So where does this bring us? This much is for sure: The current pendulum swing of evil demands that individuals yield to the deeply flawed demands of society. Righteousness and peace with God demands that society make more room for the individual to differ. Society must incorporate a higher expectation of accommodation for variations. A tightly defined range of “rights” will not do.

More to the point, God demands that society at large make room for small covenant groups to obey the Lord according to their shared conscience, and should not demand a false conformity. God’s people never stand alone; there is no Lone Ranger in the Spirit Realm. We were created for communion. But that communion is on His terms, and He forcefully reveals that what He wants are small household societies. This what we were created for.

In other words, God’s wrath is falling on America to enforce a decentralization of political authority. Our central government does not recognize God’s boundaries. In His revelation, the ideal for human existence in a fallen world is small covenant communities, tribal and feudal. Biblical guidelines indicate that, in terms of daily government in human life, anything above 50 (roughly) should be divided into smaller groups, separate households. The standard political unit is not the nuclear family household, but the extended family household. There are distinct Biblical Law restrictions on any conglomeration of those little households, but a covenant can accommodate larger groups. We can have nations that share a common cultural orientation, a common language and identity.

Any other binding principle runs afoul of God’s expectations, and will eventually harvest His wrath. Creation itself will fight against such a thing. All the more so when any centralizing force intrudes beyond certain boundaries, attempting to govern life issues that belong to the household elders. It’s fuzzy in legal terms because God also demands that leaders commune with Him and obey the convictions He places in their hearts. And He most certainly is not silent; if we seek His face, He will always answer. His answer to one will seldom be the same answer He gives another, at least in certain details. Again, the search for legalistic details is an abomination to God. Our world has long buried the legacy of how the moral logic and customized details work out, so it would have to be recovered before we could say much more about it.

Again, this has very potent pragmatic implications. In our current context, we can be sure that God’s wrath falls on society at large for poking its nose into the daily affairs of private human behavior. The burden is on society, not the individual, and not on the small group that feels led to take a different path.

So our God is destroying the institutions that bind humans together unjustly. Just as God forcefully decentralized Nimrod’s reign over the human race at the Tower of Babel, so the Lord today is crushing the systems that came far too close to being another Tower of Babel kind of idolatry.

Think of it this way: The Devil has convinced the Nimrods of this world — human predators — that the best way to enslave humanity is to atomize the biblical social structure, and make everyone stand on their own as isolated individuals. But then, all those individuals are herded pell-mell into one homogenized and dehumanized mass that is accountable to one central authority. You cannot restore individual liberty; there is no such thing. There is only covenant liberty in small tribal communities. The individual must yield to the family household, but a secular (non-covenant) social mass is no substitute for feudal family loyalty. The TPTB want to be your “daddy,” but without any compassion and accountability to God, and that’s an abomination.

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2 Responses to Why God’s Wrath Is Falling

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    “There is no such thing as accountability to a wider society without a firm conscious commitment to a common covenant. Human law cannot substitute for a valid covenant.”

    It’s bad enough that there’s so many federal-level laws in the US. It’s just asking for disaster to bring multiculturalism as a socialization tool to badger folks everyone into the mold.

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