Written on His Heart

We shall not organize. There can be no single, unified response under Radix Fidem.

Yes, I’m the elder. It’s possible you might not get my approval for some of your choices, but what difference does that make? I’m not you and you aren’t me. My approval on your actions is not a part of our path together under the Radix Fidem covenant. As long as the Lord is pleased to bring us together online, it would be wholly inappropriate for me to do more than offer my limited guidance based on what little you can tell me about your situation.

If you were under my covering here in geographic proximity, it might be a little different. Still, the worst that could happen is that you would find yourself moved to develop your own covering of obedience to your divine calling. You are all technically your own elders in the first place. So it’s really very easy: Ignore anything I write that doesn’t apply to you. There’s no reason God can’t let you know when to ignore me. You will have my support even if you lack my approval.

Biblical Law is not objective. It is intensely personal, and the whole point is bringing you closer to God so you can dynamically respond to every nuance of the Holy Spirit in your soul. What we share is the outlook that brings people to Him. The only way we can be united is on our faces at the foot of His throne.

Granted, this does have spillover effects, and we must acknowledge them. At any given time, we will have an influence over a lot of people who don’t grasp the heart-led way. We must throw out the lifeline to anyone who cries out to the Lord. God is far more patient and tolerant than we can ever understand, so it requires we exercise compassion and empathy to those who don’t yet get it. They may eventually work it out, and it’s our divine duty to bear with them.

The forward edge of divine revelation has always been verbal/written Law Covenants. We say, “Law is grace.” We make much of how those expressions of grace point back to grace, but it starts with the conscience recognizing something isn’t right. So we are duty bound to manifest things in terms of moral law as a light to those who are wandering around looking for some kind of beacon. That kind of Law is how God first got the attention of people He called. It works well with children for a very good reason: It takes time for fallen humans to develop a full moral awareness.

We treat these people as our own children of faith in that sense. We pray they catch on and take their place in the wider family of faith. They don’t have to choose to stay with our personal household, but we long to see them active in the Kingdom somewhere. That’s the focus: the wider Kingdom of Heaven. We ourselves will run into our own very human limitations on what we can do to be inclusive of the wide variety of folks God calls, but we will do what we can for each other. It takes self discipline to use a light grip on children who need less of our help, yet remain ready to hug and heal them when they come to us wounded.

Our greatest treasure is people. His glow marks them as worthy of heavy investment. Yet it remains a matter of process, not product. We aren’t aiming at something that human talent can control, or human perception can measure. This has a grand blessing as a side effect: It makes it nearly impossible for persecution to target us. Just when human evil becomes so very strong and effective at surveillance, manipulation and control, the same technology sets us free. Their weapons become our shield.

Somewhere on the other side of this time of tribulation is a world we cannot yet see. It will be a world where our message can touch a far larger audience. In that sense, our treasury will grow — more souls sharing the path. I’m pretty sure this has happened many times in the millennia since the Cross, but it doesn’t make it into the history books very often. That’s okay, because it’s recorded in Heaven.

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