Considering My Convictions

I belong to Jesus Christ. There can be no higher loyalty in my life.

Back around 1979, the Lord loaned me to the US government. I took an oath to defend the US Constitution and those whose authority derived from it. Granted, we all winked at the idea that the US was actually following its constitution, but at the time I went along with the charade simply because that was my conviction then. A better system — one that would better accommodate my calling — was wholly unlikely to come along.

We know this world will never follow divine revelation. So we play along with the various governments that have authority over our fleshly existence. We declare a truce, in effect, and try not to cause trouble. At some point, when we realize that said government has declared war on our faith and mission, it’s not a question of whether to resist that government, but how we must resist in order to obey the Lord.

Things have crossed that line for me. What was once a tolerable situation that allowed my mission to proceed peacefully is now a mortal danger. You do understand, of course, that we are at war. The “protests” are not an attempt to persuade the current government to be more just, but to take over that government. This is a revolution; this is the tail end of a very long communist takeover of the US.. And I am convinced that the quarantines are a part of it. So very much of the current system has been compromised that most of it serves the traitors. My heart tells me that things have crossed that line.

If some part of the government asked me to help defend the current system, I would certainly report for duty. This is the oath I took long ago. If the traitors taking over try to get me to serve their new system, I must refuse. They represent an entirely different government, and not a valid government in terms of declaring a truce and playing along.

Without a valid organized resistance to this takeover, there’s not much likelihood of taking up arms anytime soon. I would be quite likely to join up if there were an organization like that. Such are the commitments I hold from my Heavenly Father. Part of why I dislike Trump is that he is too much of a pussy to call for such an organized resistance.

Individual resistance is a whole different matter. In terms of information warfare, I’m already resisting and fighting back. The choices I make every day serve that mission. Organized or not, I’m taking up virtual arms against this coup, fighting the part of the system held by the enemy. Meanwhile, I am utterly certain the Lord is cooking up something that will be an extension of that, something as yet unseen. I sense it will have a meat-space component, but I have no idea what that would be.

You don’t have to support any of this. I’m following my convictions; you need to follow yours. But I’m going to share as much as I can. Maybe it will help you discern what God wants from you.

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One Response to Considering My Convictions

  1. Iain says:

    I agree, this is a revolution. The problem is that “normal” don’t see it just yet. A few are getting it but, at the present time, any action by individuals or local militias would lead to long prison terms, at the hands of the very system they are trying to preserve. There are a few pieces that have to fall together before an effective counter insurgency can start. I think Trump has a natural tendency to avoid bloodshed, it’s part of his “dealmaker” ugh…mindset. I wouldn’t rule him out just yet, he does things that take you by surprise. I guess we’ll see.

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