What’s Required of You

There a burning sense of duty in my heart. It’s as if things can’t happen fast enough so I can respond with the Word of the Lord. I have a million things to say, but not until the context calls for the message. It is the context that gives birth to the words.

Honestly can I say that I did not plan on doing a fundraiser for the new bike. Someone else was moved to make that happen. Even then, once I got half-way into it, I became convinced that the bike I first targeted was not the right one. I can’t even recall now how I ended up with a gravel bike instead of a touring or mountain bike. Truth is, my flesh would still prefer a mountain bike, but my heart knows beyond all doubt I got the right one. I’m not sure what it’s right for, but my convictions shout loudly that this will be perfect for the unseen mission ahead.

The same story with the laptop. Do I really need a laptop, since I have such a fine desktop system? Somehow, I’m convinced I do. My flesh did not like letting go of that fancy little thing I bought a couple of years ago, but I knew in my heart it was necessary. It was just dandy for a while, but then the situation changed. So I gave it away to a brother in the Lord to support his mission, and bought something cheaper. I still don’t know what this new one is for, but my convictions tell me it’s important for something unseen.

If I’m crazy, I hope I can confine the damage to myself. But I can’t be silent about the story God says I have to tell. I have always wondered when the crisis would get rolling; it’s here now. I’m about to find out what this anticipation exploding in my chest for the last two decades means.

If you don’t sense that same anticipation, there’s nothing I can do to give it to you. This is not about selling the idea; it’s about supporting those already under conviction about it. If you keep running up against that big mountain of expectation about things, then maybe I can help you find the shape of it so you’ll know what to do about it.

May the Lord help you see what He requires of you.

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4 Responses to What’s Required of You

  1. Dave W says:

    Ed… I am full of the same anticipation. I have been “woke” to this in the spiritual sense since 2011 and having this knowledge in my “head” I am finding it difficult to allow my “heart” to lead in the things I should be doing. My wife and I have recently broken ties with the “organized church” we have attended for many years and I recently felt a strange conviction to invest in a new and larger portable generator. Not sure why but I have completed that purchase. I find myself very “restless” as you describe wanting a clearer picture for myself and my loved ones as to what the future holds for us and how the Lord wants us to glorify him in this time. I am asking Him to guide us to new relationships with those he desires us to be in fellowship with both virtually and in meat space.

    Thanks again for your commitment to your mission. It has been very helpful to me.

    Blessings – Dave W

    • ehurst says:

      Thanks, Dave. For every one like you who replies like this, it gives meaning to the drive to share.

  2. Iain says:

    Yeah buddy.

  3. Jay DiNitto says:

    Looks like (hehe) I’m seeing enough for now. Can’t wait for what the future holds, to be honest, despite the crap raining down on us now.

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