The Red Pill Whip

In Radix Fidem, our covenant mission includes a strong motivation for redemption of individuals. There really isn’t much we can do for people who aren’t drawn by their hearts, but that is the wavelength on which we operate. We don’t try to convince people through their minds. We believe that was the reason Jesus used parables; He was trying to sift out the hearts by saying things only awakened hearts could hear. Mere minds should be somewhat confused by our message.

A message of conviction condemns sin for what it really is. But the most powerful condemnation against sin isn’t in the words, but in the lifestyle that embraces Biblical Law. It’s not a discipline; God’s Law is the sweet reward He holds out for those who will come to Him. It is the Fruit of the Tree of Life in a form they can grasp, demanding they throw down the Forbidden Fruit.

I’ve participated in recent discussions about some Men’s Red Pill stuff that really disappointed me. Whatever is good and useful from the Red Pill lore is already in Biblical Law. There’s an awful lot of that lore we must reject because it rests on condemnation without redemption. Those who make Red Pill lore their religion have zero interest in redeeming the people who don’t get it.

So the Red Pill religion becomes the excuse for labeling some people hopeless, and leaving it there. Gamma Males are treated as hideous creatures worthy of summary execution, but by no means is there any genuine effort to reach out to such men with redemption. Carnal women aren’t offered a better path, like Jesus did for the Woman at the Well; they are treated as creatures who should continue worshiping Good Men, but from afar.

Spite and condemnation are doctrines in the Red Pill religion. Redemption is not. It’s true that there will always be those you cannot help, and your convictions will tell you when the person you are dealing with is one of those. Your heart will know when to put up a barrier for your own safety and let them go. That cannot be everyone who comes up short. We have a mission to offer redemption.

Granted, the vast majority of humanity will reject our message. That does not justify cutting off the whole human race from the gospel offer. Anything Red Pill related must take its proper place in the gospel message or it has no business in Christian teaching. We cannot allow it to become a competing religion for us. We use some of the Red Pill lore to point out where Western society has gone wrong, which is part of the bigger problem of truly serving Christ. The biblical approach to life is non-Western.

Again, we can do nothing for sinners, but we can never know when God will use something we address to His children to awaken someone’s realization that they belong to Him. We don’t separate evangelism from teaching the Word to believers. It’s all one big mission. A great many people who consider themselves Christians aren’t spiritually born at all. A great many folks out there turned off by bad religion don’t realize they have been called by Christ. Thus, our message is cast largely in terms of Biblical Law: “This is what God requires.”

And He requires that we offer a path to redemption in just about everything we do with other humans. People who choke on this teaching should be treated as non-believers in need of redemption themselves.

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2 Responses to The Red Pill Whip

  1. Jack says:

    I hear you. I also feel disappointed with the feedback lately. Commenters are projecting their own interpretations and nit-picking, and they’re not honing in on the larger message intended.
    I am going to back away from blogging this week. Going on a trip with my wife and her family. By the time I return, I’ll have a fresh perspective on everything.

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