Spur Marks on My Flanks

Keep your sympathy. However, you should know this past couple of months has been real tough on me. Not because of the planned-emic, nor because of all the chaos and lies. Rather, the Lord has really been leaning hard on me to prophesy, and I’ve posted things my flesh was very reluctant to write.

I’m sure some folks were offended. Take your complaints to God; I am utterly certain everything I wrote was rammed through my soul by God. I regret none of it. I still stand behind all of it. For those of you who simply felt a little uncomfortable, you don’t know the half of what I’ve been feeling. This is that ancient fire in my bones, forcing me to say things I am forbidden to keep inside.

Granted, I’ve always said that some of what I’m doing will not work for you. That’s still a major element in my message: You must go to God and clarify your own convictions. We walk together only when the Lord brings us alongside each other. Nobody has to follow me every step of the way. And you can be sure that I will keep writing the same stuff whether you read it or don’t. The Lord’s hand on me is very heavy right now, and I don’t have room to worry much about what people think when I’m so very accountable to Him.

I want you to be the same way, just as driven and self-assured in faith. That’s about the only way any of us can handle what’s coming. The demons of chaos are more active every day, and it’s going to be like nothing we can imagine. Without a strong sense of calling and mission, you will quickly lose track and become distracted.

Let’s pray for each other.

Let me remind folks one more time: The other blog (gone) is highly likely to be shut down by WordPress, once some third party is able to bring pressure they can’t take. I have no idea when that will happen, but I’m sure it will. This blog is not likely to fall so easily. And if things go quiet on both of my blogs, check the forum. If all else fails, and you need to get hold of me, call or text 405-503-1692.

As things get more crazy and restricted, the Internet will become a lot less useful for me. I’ll still do email, and still write and post as much as I can, but there’s something coming at us that I can’t see clearly, and it will make the Net far less free than it is now. There won’t be any point to spending as much time with it as I do now.

At any rate, I am fiercely driven to make sure that I nail down some very important distinctions between Biblical Law and our American cultural spectrum. This is an open call to get closer to the Lord and think like He thinks. Spread your wings and fly. You should depend on me less and more on your own sense of conviction.

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One Response to Spur Marks on My Flanks

  1. Mr Iain says:

    “the Net far less free than it is now”. It is way less free than it was in the 90’s when my brother, the first adult that I knew of, bought a PC and less free than it was when I bought our 1st one in the early 2000’s. I miss those “wild west” days, the internet is downright dull if, you don’t know how to dig. We ought to have the freedom to say what we want and not have to be second guessing ourselves all the time. I will say exactly what I mean, tempered only by my own sense of propriety. I was raised to have good manners and have always considered my expressed opinions to be rather mild, NOT SO in 2020. In 2020, ladies first is white supremacist extremism. Who would have thought that the “devil” was a middle aged, bald, fat man with a beard and a Hawaiian shirt.

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