Keep a Clear Head

I need to reiterate something: Without a valid community faith covenant over you, a major part of your protection from demons is missing.

It’s not enough to say you are under the Covenant of Christ. His covenant requires that you form a contextual covenant community — AKA, a church. And a church by definition is a covenant community of faith. Granted, there may not be too many people ready to join you in a community covenant of faith. Still, you must hold one forth for others to embrace, or embrace one that exists in your area.

Without that community covenant, your divine covering is lacking.

Keep in mind that demons are bound by covenants, too. As long as you are outside any covenant, you are fair game. They own you. You will not be able to manifest the spiritual power to obey Biblical Law, because you stand in violation of it. You must not neglect the assembling together under a community covenant. To the degree you adhere to Biblical Law, demons are limited from afflicting your life.

This becomes a bigger issue as tribulation deepens here in the USA. Demons were set loose some years ago. It does take a while for their work to take effect when the mission is God’s wrath on an empire like ours. But in the past few weeks in particular, I’ve seen people suddenly act crazy in ways that can only be explained by demonic influence. People without a divine covering will be King Saul when he began to disobey God’s commands. He became tormented and paranoid, because he stepped out from under the covenant covering. The same kind of demons, and many more, have been let loose in the US. We need all the help we can get.

The heart must lead the head, and head must be kept from panic and folly. The only way to keep a clear head is to embrace a community covenant of faith and remain faithful to Biblical Law.

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