Law of Moses — 2 Samuel 7

For once the passage very nearly speaks for itself. Yet the lesson here is critical to understanding the Covenant of Moses.

The potential for what God promised here was very much in the Covenant, but the direction it took added substantially to that covenant, giving it a shape that no human could have foreseen. This is very much according to the ideals of a national adoption covenant, but given the history of Israel up to this point, with her stumbling, bumbling failure to fully obey the Covenant, who would have expected this one man to rise to such heights of God’s favor?

So I want you to notice the depth of personal loyalty between God and David. It’s everything God had always offered, but David is the first in a long time to seize the opportunity. This one man saw the offer as a bonanza, a rich treasure, an offer to which he could hardly say, “No.” It was a privilege no man could merit.

Notice that David makes much of how great his domain is in terms of the people. Notice how great the people are for one reason: They were called by God to declare His glory. It was a nation God Himself redeemed and treasured.

Now consider that in Christ, the Son of David, you and I inherit all this. We can have the same depth of personal communion with God that David had. We can together hold the high privilege of being His glory on the earth.

Read the text for yourself.

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