Don’t Surrender the Battlefield

Every crusade is a diversion to prevent a genuine repentance of sinners.

Once again: The biblical standard is exceptionally strict compared to what is generally portrayed as “morally good” in our world. Sex with anyone except your covenant spouse is evil and destructive. It’s a threat to everyone around you. Biblical Law says the process of building that covenant marriage relationship is more than just a handful of rules. It requires a genuine heart-led commitment to the covenant community and shalom before you even start to consider whom to marry.

Any and all human activity outside this path is sin, never mind sexual activity. So it stands to reason you cannot have a covenant marriage that involves minors. That kind of sexual activity is forbidden before you can even start to think about it. There are multiple layers closing off that path. Why do we even need to discuss it?

We discuss it because it has become the latest fashion in false moral posturing in the West. Granted, it’s currently the next barrier that evil people are trying to knock down in their headlong rush down into Hell. Still, the obsession of fighting over this one particular sin only means you have granted evil people their choice of battlefield.

Let me cite another example: Are you familiar that TULIP acronym used by the Calvinists? It doesn’t come from the Bible. It is a highly logical chain that reflects an attempt to confine moral truth with human reason. Where did this little list of 5 points come from? It is the reverse of the 5 points first proposed by their enemies, the Arminians. They were the first to establish this logical chain, binding themselves to a very human frame of reference that excludes them from revelation. Both the Calvinists and Arminians have locked themselves out of the divine truth by insisting on human reason.

The Bible does teach predestination, but constrains the definition to a very limited statement of what it means: God chooses your eternal destiny. It was chosen before Creation, because God is not in any way bound by our sense of time and space. We are bound by time and space; that’s part of the Curse of the Fall. Human reason cannot possibly grasp anything that is not bound by time and space. We are unable to see eternal truth because Adam and Eve rejected it in favor of human reason. So here we have two theological camps proclaiming their human logical battle and missing the whole point. They end up asserting things that are very clearly not supported in Scripture, because they otherwise can’t make logical sense of it.

But it was the Calvinist tactic of surrendering the battlefield that turned this whole thing into a debacle. It’s right down the line of Pharisaism, reducing revelation to a formula the human mind can control and manipulate. Had the Calvinists remained above the logical battle, they would be able to remain firmly in the grip of grace. Instead, they call their legalism “Doctrines of Grace.” Think about that for a minute.

And then think about how the legalism of focusing on pedophilia will keep anyone from actually finding even a smidgen of shalom. Making pedophilia a Crusade is the wrong battle, the wrong war. It confines the effort and excuses a wealth of far greater sin. It’s a really good excuse to avoid talking about covenants and biblical feudalism. Instead of hyperventilating about the Hollywood perverts as a small percentage of the USA, let’s talk about how small is the percentage of folks in the USA who actually have even that smidgen of shalom.

The sin that is destroying America is not mere pedophilia; that’s just a single slender symptom of something far greater and much nastier.

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2 Responses to Don’t Surrender the Battlefield

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    I get the feeling that the law covenant(s) in the OT helped the ancient Hebrew find shalom in the fact that is spared them from experiencing how things turn out when He judges the outside nations. The laws give insight into human nature (among other things…I’m not saying that’s all they do) that really only God could provide, but the pagan nations could only learn that the hard way.

    • ehurst says:

      Exactly. The world is under His wrath by default. A valid covenant is the only way to escape any wrath. It’s our only covering in a world where wrath is raining down constantly.

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