Backdoor BLM Crusade

There’s something I’ve noticed when reviewing all the articles about religious organizations and “racial healing” conferences, etc. — it’s just bringing BLM through the backdoor of the church.

Keep in mind that BLM’s leadership has already admitted straight out that it’s a Marxist and anti-Christian organization. It’s intention is to force communist solutions into American society and politics. We’ve seen enough of how churchianity is nothing more than painting Bible verses on worldly values. This is just one more flavor of that. When you pay attention to the ideas and suggestions that are offered as solutions to racial conflict, it always boils down to making the church accept communist doctrine in one form or another. It’s always a cover for materialistic forced transfers of property and wealth. When it’s less blatant, it’s still wedging through the door a very materialistic brand of name-it-and-claim-it religion that sees whites being the primary source of fulfillment.

For those of us who eschew materialism in the first place, we never get invited to these conferences and such. Of course, the reason is that we have nothing to give except our heart-led obedience to the Word. Actually changing the cultural habits of people to line up with the Scripture is not considered a valid solution in this strange religious-political movement. But we make room for every color and culture to join us in the heart-led walk of Biblical Law. That’s all we have to offer.

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2 Responses to Backdoor BLM Crusade

  1. Jack says:

    Capitalism is materialism for the rich, communism is materialism for the poor.

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