Western Idolatries 01

In our studies in the Law of Moses up to this point, we should have absorbed some indications of how God views human activity after the Fall. We cannot go on through life giving credence to Western notions of democratic rule of law; those things come from the Devil. They are clearly contrary to what God revealed. This is not merely a matter of God trying to enlighten some dark barbaric people, so that only in the last few centuries has He spoken clearly, as if somehow human reason is no longer fallen. What He revealed in His covenant with Israel shows clearly that human reason cannot be trusted for anything that matters.

I’ll start first with a modern example of how that works. We hear reports all the time about how medical science has made marvelous progress in understanding how the human body works, and that there is nothing of importance on the subject outside what physicians and researchers can report. That’s a lie. Medical science has no clue how the sensory heart works, for example, and assumes that the body is just a bunch of biochemical processes over which we have precious little control. All we can do is throw chemicals and energy at it and hope for the best. The Bible flatly says that the moral condition in the heart can affect your physical constitution far more than mere biochemical or physical inputs.

Taking nutritional supplements is not merely a matter of biochemical inputs; it is listening to that still, small voice in your heart about what God wants you to do for His glory. Maybe there is no clinically observable change from taking one supplement or another, but your heart knows what God wants you to do. Regardless of the effects, taking certain supplements can make the difference between obedience and going your own way down the Highway to Hell. This is why there were certain conditions laid down in Kosher Law. The issue is more than just what was scientifically healthy under their circumstances, but a matter of obedience from the heart.

And by the way, Jesus said directly, and Peter got it confirmed by a vision, that Kosher Law no longer applies to us. It’s not that it was just a head-game God was playing — and if it was, it wouldn’t matter. But the Covenant contained a lot of details the still exemplify holiness, while the manifestations of holiness drifts with God’s changing plans for the human race. God has not promised, and is under no obligation, to reveal every pertinent detail to anyone living on this earth. What He does with us, and what He commands, is by definition righteous. It’s the attitude toward revelation and obedience to God that matters most here.

What follows is a head-on confrontation with other fallen reasoning by which we are bludgeoned over the head every day, often with no valid explanation at all.

1. Democracy is founded on the rejection of God’s revelation that we are fallen. It assumes a basic goodness in human nature, and that it needs only be teased out to discover ultimate truth. Give people the right atmosphere and they will grow up and take responsibility for themselves, right? Wrong. This false notion presumes that humans are the measure of all things, and that any divine revelation is simply impertinent to human existence.

God says there is no such thing as objective truth. It’s all personal and subjective; there is only experience and perception. The underlying assumptions of the entire Western Civilization is the perverse lie that emphasizes as morally good the one thing that we all share: our fallen nature. It was the human choice in the Garden to ignore revelation and trust one’s own very limited sensory perception and reason that constitutes the real meaning of Forbidden Fruit.

It’s not that people should have no say in things, but that God will protect and bless only a government of the family and by the head of household — ANE covenant feudalism. Every other system will garner His wrath, which will fall at His convenience.

2. Protests are not healthy. It’s one thing to register dissent; you must do it respectfully with the rulers God has placed over you. If you persist in disrupting daily life, like petulant children throwing a tantrum, God says it warrants military action against you. Yes, you should expect to die if you can’t go along with the plans of your God-appointed leadership.

3. If you know in your heart that you cannot tolerate the leadership you have, then consider whether it’s proper for you to depart outside their jurisdiction, or whether they have so thoroughly violated the covenant that you must rebel. In such case, tell your leaders one time only why and how thoroughly you object to their decisions. Then either depart of take military action. You are not obliged to give more than one warning, and none if you feel driven to depart.

4. There is no particular requirement to follow common rules of warfare as published in the West today. They aren’t followed anyway, so it’s just a false pretense meant to provide an excuse for inexcusable hatred and contempt. The Bible justifies assassination and terrorism, going by Western definitions. The use of those tactics is not immoral. Killing evil rulers is altogether proper and justified; the idea that they are just the messenger following the laws of the people is bullshit.

As for so-called innocent civilians: If they provide the support and resources for the evil you feel driven to fight, then they are fair game. Granted, it would be a waste of effort and resources most of the time, but unless you are seeking to deliver them from some awful slavery, there’s no particular reason to be selective about targeting. If something or someone supports and enables your enemy, that something or someone is a just target. Under Biblical Law, those people and resources are forfeited by the evil rulers who rule them. Human life is precious when God tells you it is, and any assertion that He always says it is precious is just a lie from Satan. There were good and righteous reasons for the capital crimes under the Law of Moses.

5. There’s nothing unfair about war by deception. It is no sin at all to pretend you are friendly when your enemy is clearly devoted to the destruction of what God has granted you. There’s nothing immoral about biding your time and stabbing your real enemies in the back when the time comes to strike. This assumes you have taken some time to consider and pray about what they are demanding that is so evil.

Be aware that such a path is one way; you will be burning your bridges. Westerners have an assumption of trust that is false, based on pagan idolatry. You owe them nothing, in one sense. In another sense, you do have a truce with them, as any covenant community could have with any non-covenant outsider. Not a threat means not a threat; see the Good Samaritan. Your daily witness should indicate in advance the terms on which you are at peace with them.

6. Never assume that God is going to let you win. This comes back to that false notion that God is obliged to play fair with you by some silly rules your logic imagines. His inscrutable plans for the human race trump your perceptions of His promises. Notice what I’m saying here: If you belong to Him, your human existence on this world is already forfeit. Your success here in this life is now subsumed under His ineffable plans, and if He needs to use you for cannon fodder, that’s His prerogative. He will tell you that as part of your mission calling, but there’s no promise you’ll understand. It’s on you to be receptive when He tells you. The only proper response for you internally is to find joy in belonging to Him, and being quite eager to sacrifice this fallen human existence for eternal glory on any terms He deems appropriate.

Thus, you stand up for your convictions at all times, regardless of how it turns out. The good guys don’t always win on this earth, but they do always go to Heaven.

7. Never hesitate to shed blood when that’s what God requires of you. Not everyone can and should be involved in military action. Those who can and do should not be condemned if it’s apparent they are obeying their convictions. Never judge what you could not completely understand. Your full commitment and trust in Him leaves the door open for Him to demand things you cannot comprehend. Pacifism is a pagan idolatry. Obey your own convictions and mind your own business. But never assume God isn’t going to demand you draw the sword. Then again, if you aren’t ready to use the sword, get rid of it. Never bluster.

There’s more to come about this.

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